September 02, 2022 - Preparing for a Successful School Year, COVID-19 Measures at School, and more.

September 02, 2022 - Preparing for a Successful School Year, COVID-19 Measures at School, and more.
Posted on 09/02/2022

Hello Students, 

We’re looking forward to welcoming you back next week! Here’s some information to get you started on the new school year. 

Preparing for a Successful School Year

Taking care of yourself is key to a successful school year. Heading back to school can bring up a number of different feelings - some feel excited and some feel overwhelmed or uncertain. Taking some time to explore our own habits and build routines is a healthy coping strategy. Some things to consider for the school year: 

  • Healthy habits: developing healthy eating and sleeping habits as well as regular exercise can contribute to both a healthy body and mind. 
  • Reduce stress: take time to consider the best ways for you to relieve stress and give yourself permission to make time for yourself. 
  • Reach out: staying connected with others (friends, family, community) helps us to feel less alone. Reaching out is the first step to feeling connected.

Check out these resources:

COVID-19 Measures at School

We are all excited to return to a school year with more regular routines and activities.  We know that in-person learning and extra-curricular activities at school are important for student health and wellbeing.  We also know that COVID-19 is still present in our community, and we are all working to navigate the change in public health guidance.  

  • Daily self-assessments should be done each morning before school using the screening tool, which was updated August 31, 2022. Downloadable versions are also available. 
  • Our schools are mask friendly and we respect the personal decisions of students, families and staff. We must continue to work together to foster a positive learning environment for all.  
  • Isolation requirements have changed in Ontario. As per the Provincial guidance, staff and students should wear a mask for 10 days from when symptoms started when returning to school after illness.
  • OCDSB schools have enhanced ventilation measures in place, and masks, hand sanitizer and rapid antigen tests (RATs) are available at school.  

Learn more about the Ottawa Public Health guidance on Covid-19 in this statement from Dr. Etches.

Dress Code 

Learn more about the new Dress Code for all OCDSB schools. It recognizes that students have the right to express themselves through their clothing, jewelry, and other accessories, without fear of body shaming, bias, or discrimination.

School Year Calendars 

PA Days, holidays, and other important dates for the 2022-2023 school year can be found in the OCDSB’s Secondary calendar.

Have a wonderful long weekend,

Camille Williams-Taylor 

Director of Education 


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