Strategic Planning Framework


Our Strategic planning framework is a six step process. The process is sequential, with each stage building on the learning and outcomes of the previous stage. The following six step process was used to develop our current strategic plan and will also be used for the development of a new four-year strategic plan.

A more detailed summary of the process is also available here.

Step one: Environmental Scan

The Environmental Scan is an analysis of the internal and external conditions, data and factors that affect the OCDSB. This stage includes both qualitative and a quantitative elements, including a research based report and public consultation on future direction.

Step two: Mission, Vision, and Values Assessment

The development of clear and concise statements of purpose (mission), ideals (vision), and core beliefs (values).

Step three: Objectives, Goals, and Strategy Development

The categorization of issues into functional areas of responsibility with a view to establishing expectations and outcomes for each area of responsibility.

Step four: Implementation/Organizational Capacity Assessment

An assessment of the human, financial and resource capacity of the organization relative to the objectives and goals established in the strategic plan

Step five: Development and Release of the Strategic Plan

A draft plan will be developed and released for comment. The final version of the Strategic Plan will be approved by the Board.

Step six: Ongoing implementation and evaluation

The development of ongoing implementation and evaluation strategies which support the realization of the objectives and goals of the strategic plan. This includes the annual district goal setting process, as well as the interim report on district goals and the year-end measures and outcomes report.

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