February 17, 2023 - Mental Health Matters, 2023-2027 Strategic Plan Planning Process, Field Trips Policy Consultation, and more.

February 17, 2023 - Mental Health Matters, 2023-2027 Strategic Plan Planning Process, Field Trips Policy Consultation, and more.
Posted on 02/17/2023

Hello Students, 

Mental Health Matters

Understanding mental health and how to get support when you need it is so important. The OCDSB’s Youth Action Committee on Mental Health (Y.A.C) has created a poster to share information about local organizations that are here to support you. Our mental health professionals have also compiled this resource list to support families looking for information and support.

2023-2027 Strategic Plan Planning Process: Electronic Feedback Launched   

Remember to join our online conversation and let us know what you think is important to support student learning and well-being. Part of this process involves rating the thoughts of others using a 1-5 star rating. Please note, while we encourage various perspectives and opinions, posts with hateful or offensive language will be removed. If you see any comments of this nature you are encouraged to use the 'report thought' option. If you did not receive an email invitation, you can still participate using this link until 11:59 p.m. Friday, February 24th, 2023. Learn more.  

Field Trips Policy Consultation

Field trips are an important aspect of students’ education experience. Recently, staff have undertaken a review of Policy P.029.SCO Field Trips, Excursions, Educational Tours, and Student Exchanges and associated procedures, with a view to modernizing them, ensuring they are aligned with the District’s current processes and priorities, and identifying equity gaps. We welcome your feedback on the revised draft of the policy by emailing [email protected] by February 24, 2023. 

Ottawa Public Health’s Respiratory Virus Dashboard 

To keep the community informed, Ottawa Public Health updates their Respiratory Virus Dashboard every Wednesday. This week’s data shows that levels of flu, COVID-19, and RSV continue to head in a good direction. A reminder that OPH continues to recommend layers of protection like masks, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, flu vaccines, and staying home when sick, especially throughout the winter months.

February 22: Pink Shirt Day

Wednesday, February 22nd is Pink Shirt Day, which raises awareness about the impacts of bullying, how we can work together to prevent it, and provide support to those affected by it. Students and staff members are welcome to wear pink to show their support. Learn more.

February 22: Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent, the forty-day period (excluding Sundays) of prayer, repentance and self-denial that precedes Easter. We send our best wishes to all who are observing on Wednesday.

In case you missed it…

OCDSB Cares: ‘OCDSB Cares’ lets you share concerns about bullying, safety at school, mental health, and more. Both text and web chat options are available, and are completely anonymous. Learn more at ocdsb.ca/cares.

Enjoy your Family Day weekend, 

Michele Giroux 

Director of Education
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