June 20, 2023 - OCDSB Appoints Dr. Pino Buffone as Director of Education, Board of Trustees Approves 2023-2024 Budget, and more.

June 20, 2023 - OCDSB Appoints Dr. Pino Buffone as Director of Education, Board of Trustees Approves 2023-2024 Budget, and more.
Posted on 06/20/2023

Dear Families, 

OCDSB Appoints Dr. Pino Buffone as Director of Education

We are excited to welcome Dr. Pino Buffone back to the OCDSB as the new Director of Education. With over 29 years of experience in public education and  6 years as Director of Education with the Renfrew County District School Board, Pino will start his new role on August 1, 2023 . Visit our website to learn more. 

Board of Trustees Approves 2023-2024 Budget 

The 2023-2024 OCDSB operating budget of $1.1 billion and capital budget of $140.3 million has been approved. Highlights include: 

  • $10.8 million for school renewal and $51.7 million for school condition improvement
  • An increase of 173.43 staff for a total of 8,500.38 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff,  
  • $2.0 million increase in  spending on special education bringing the total to $139.8 million 
  • $500,000 investment in wellness and training for staff
  • $300,000 investment in green/composting initiatives
  • $300,000 investment in student learning supports

Creating Inclusive Classrooms

There have been many questions and some misinformation about the work in schools to create inclusive classrooms. We wanted to share more information with families today about what is actually happening in schools. Please visit our website to read more. 

Navigating Transitions: A June Message from the OCDSB Mental Health Team 

As the school year comes to an end and we get ready to transition into summer, it’s normal to be carrying a number of different emotions. While for some, looking ahead to the last day of school brings excitement and relief, for many students and families it can also bring worry or sadness. The truth is, even positive transitions can bring feelings of stress for ourselves and our children, as these transitions force us to learn, grow, and adapt. As the school year begins to wind down, visit our website to learn a few strategies you can use to support your child as they navigate this period of “ending” in their life. 

Stress Lessons: From Stressed Out to Chilled Out 

Stress Lessons are back this summer, offering students going into grades 7, 8, or 9 the opportunity to learn more about managing stress and fostering an increased sense of well-being. Participants will learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress, identify stressors and their impact, develop coping and problem-solving strategies, and more. The program will run twice over the summer, from July 11th to July 27th and from August 1st to August 17th. Visit our website to learn more and register. 

Sound Scholars: A Hip Hop Inspired Songwriting and Spoken Word Workshop Series 

Is your child interested in making music this summer? Sound Scholars is a seven week writing and performance workshop series for Indigenous and Black children and youth who are going into grades 6-9, made possible by the OCDSB and the National Arts Centre. Based on Indigenous philosophies and cultural teachings of hip hop, this workshop series creates space and mentorship for storytelling through music, poetry and performance art. Participants will join artist and facilitator Zoey Roy, drawing on each young person’s existing knowledge while giving them tools to express themselves in ways that feel inspiring, empowering, and motivating. Learn more and register today

Classroom Chronicles

Two schools reached new heights with innovative learning experiences. Students at Fisher Park Public School were over the moon with excitement to join the Artemis II astronaut crew and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for a special event about lunar exploration. Meanwhile, John Young Elementary School students applied their math and science skills to create more than 200 kites that filled the skies above the school. 

Sixty students from grades 8 to 11 fastened their tool belts to explore ironwork and welding at the Ironworkers Union Hall. This experience allowed students to try out a career in the trades while getting an inside look at how Ottawa’s infrastructure is built!

Summer Student Jobs at the OCDSB

Is your child looking for summer employment? Are they interested in working as a casual custodian? The OCDSB is hiring for summer positions. Learn more and apply.

Important Dates in the Week Ahead 

  • June 20: World Refugee Day. World Refugee Day is an international day designated by the United Nations to honour refugees around the world.
  • June 21: National Indigenous People’s Day. National Indigenous Peoples Day is a celebration of the many contributions, diverse cultures, and rich heritage of Indigenous Peoples. Each year this date is recognized in alignment with the summer solstice, the longest day of the year.
  • June 23: National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism. The National Day of Remembrance for Victims of Terrorism is observed in memory of all who have been harmed or lost their lives to acts of terrorism in Canada or abroad. Flags on all OCDSB buildings will be flown at half-mast.

Upcoming Events 

  • Last Day of School: A reminder that the last day of school for secondary students is Tuesday, June 27 and the last day of school for elementary students is Thursday, June 29.  

In case you missed it…

Empty Seat Registration for the 2023-2024 School Year: Students who are not in a school’s Bus Zone may apply for an empty seat online

OSTA Joint Custody Renewals Due June 30: Renewals must be done every year. Please complete the renewal form for existing variable transportation arrangements no later than June 30, 2023.

Thank you, 

Michele Giroux 
Director of Education 


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