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Build Staff Awareness and Capacity

Explicit and deliberate actions are urgently required to address inequities in our systems, structures, policies and practices that continue to impact student and staff success and well-being and to build trust with students, families, staff, and communities that we have been under-serving. 

The OCDSB Indigenous, Equity and Human Rights Roadmap, 2020-2023, focuses on six key areas. The following outlines how we intend to focus on building staff awareness and capacity.

Read the full report (PDF)


To increase the capacity of staff to understand and apply anti-racist and equitable practices that decrease disparities and disproportionalities in access, opportunities and outcomes for Indigenous, Black and minoritized students and staff.

Key Indicators

  • Number of professional learning series developed and launched, with accompanying resources and support, on Indigenous knowledge, anti-racism, anti-oppression and human rights
  • Percentage of staff who have completed a professional learning series on Indigenous knowledge, anti-racism, anti-oppression and human rights


  • Develop and provide on-line professional learning in assessment and evaluation practices and build monitoring into the school improvement planning process
  • Establish foundational mandatory professional learning for school and district staff in Indigenous Knowledge, Diversity and Inclusion Fundamentals, Unconscious Bias, anti-racism/anti-oppression and human rights
  • Establish additional training/capacity building professional learning opportunities for staff to go deeper in Indigenous knowledge, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and human rights (required as a prerequisite for promotion)
  • Create an annual capacity building series and multimedia campaign on Indigenous knowledge and Ways of Knowing, anti-Black racism/Black Excellence, equity and human rights
  • Develop a District-wide, equity-focused mentor/coaching approach to support learning and growth (New Teacher Induction Program, Principal/Vice-Principal Intern Program, Instructional Coaches, etc.)
  • Develop a Professional Learning Tracking Tool and on-line learning profile for staff (to include Mandatory, District, Additional as professional learning categories)

Highlight on Indigenous Knowledge

  • OCDSB staff will engage in cultural training and make commitments to the TRC’s Calls to Action
  • Engage Indigenous community partners to collaborate, teach and share cultural knowledge in schools
  • OCDSB staff will engage in community partnership in developing relevant resources and supports for embedding Indigenous knowledge in programming and pedagogy

Highlight on Black Excellence

  • OCDSB staff will engage in anti-racism professional learning and implement the commitments to the UN International Decade for People of African Descent 2015-2024
  • Create a multi-media campaign on Black Student Excellence


By 2020-2021

  • District is engaged with “critical friends” for ongoing professional development and system change in Indigenous Education, equity and human rights
  • Mandatory on-line training modules for new staff on Diversity and Inclusion Fundamentals and Unconscious Bias introduced

By 2021-2022

  • Training modules on Indigenous knowledge and rights, anti-racism, anti-oppression, and human rights developed
  • All staff have engaged in mandatory on-line training modules on Diversity and Inclusion Fundamentals and Unconscious Bias (anti-racism and anti-oppression)
  • Annual capacity building series and multimedia campaign on Indigenous Education, equity and human rights developed

By 2022-2023

  • Finance, Human Resources, Research, Evaluation & Analytics Division (READ), and Facilities staff will have engaged in foundational cultural competency training
  • District Tracking System for Professional Learning in place
  • Senior staff, managers, administrators, office and custodial staff, all District central departments have all engaged in foundational cultural competency training (including anti-racism/antioppression)