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2023 School Climate Survey Results

Results are Now Available for the 2023 School Climate Survey

Posted on 06/08/2023

In the spring of 2023, the OCDSB conducted a School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers, and a School Climate Survey for Educators. The purpose of these surveys was to gather information about families’ experiences in school, specifically in the areas of engagement, environment, safety, and well-being.

The surveys were voluntary, anonymous, and conducted online. All parents and caregivers of OCDSB students were invited to participate in the School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers, while the School Climate Survey for Educators was open to all principals, vice-principals, school-based educators, and educational support staff. The information gathered helps the OCDSB to understand how our school communities are doing, so that necessary  improvements can be made to the learning environment. 

Results from both surveys are now available. Please take a look at the two infographics below for highlights from the survey results. 

2023 School Climate Survey for Educators Results Infographic
2023 School Climate Survey for Parents and Caregivers Results Infographic

Note: The OCDSB also conducted a School Climate Survey for students in April 2022. As part of our ongoing efforts to create and maintain safe, inclusive and accepting schools, the OCDSB undertakes a School Climate Survey every two years to gather input from students, staff, and parents in each of our schools. The survey is required by the Ministry of Education as part of the Safe Schools initiative.