In fall 2020, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board received confirmation of capital funding from the Ministry of Education for the construction of a new secondary school in the Riverside South area. The school will serve 1,516 grade 7 to 12 students.
The school will be located at the southeast corner of Earl Armstrong Road and Spratt Road, in the Riverside South community. The school site is just over 19 acres in size. Site planning and building design work for the new secondary school is underway.

On January 31, 2023, the OCDSB Board of Trustees approved a timeline and consultation process to determine the program, attendance boundary, and opening grade structure for the new Riverside South secondary school, and make other associated changes.
The approved consultation process started in February 2023 with the formation of a local working group, which has been meeting to discuss these topics.
Public meeting - April 26, 2023
A public consultation meeting will be held to seek feedback on the proposed boundary and opening grade structure. Input received at the public consultation meeting will assist staff in preparing recommendations to the Board.
Some of the specific areas we will be seeking feedback on include:
- The proposed Riverside South Secondary School attendance boundary
- Opening grade structure of the new secondary school
- Impacts to students and families
- Grand-parenting methodology of impacted students
To find out more and provide feedback, please attend this important meeting to be held on
Wednesday, April 26, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.
Location: Steve MacLean Public School’s Gymnasium
4175 Spratt Rd, Gloucester
At the meeting there will be a brief overview by Board staff, followed by an opportunity to answer your questions. Staff will be available to answer questions on an individual basis following the meeting. An information package providing details of the review and the proposals will be available at the meeting.
Staff recommendations are anticipated to be brought forward for approval to Committee of the Whole and Board of Trustees in June 2023.
Additional information regarding the review will be posted over the next few months. Please keep checking this webpage for further updates and information.
Please see Report No. 23-002 New Riverside South Secondary School Study – Approval of Timeline and Consultation Plan, which provides more background information regarding the study.
For more information regarding the construction of the new school and other capital projects in progress, consult the Capital Projects page.
Final Decision - September 2023
After reviewing recommendations and input from members of the community, staff brought forward Report No. 23-048 New Riverside South Secondary School – Attendance Boundary, to Board at its September 26th 2023 meeting for final decision. The recommendations of the staff report were carried.
- Appendix A To Report 23 048
- Appendix B To Report 23 048
- Appendix C To Report 23 048
- Appendix D To Report 23 048
- Appendix E To Report 23 048
- Appendix F To Report 23 048
- Appendix G To Report 23 048
- Appendix H To Report 23 048
- Appendix I To Report 23 048
- Appendix J To Report 23 048
- Appendix K To Report 23 048
- Appendix L To Report 23 048
- Appendix M To Report 23 048
- Appendix N To Report 23 048
- Report 23 048 New Riverside South SS For Memo Number And Review
- Resolutions Package BM Sep26 2023