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About our Kindergarten Program

All of our elementary schools offer a Full-Day Kindergarten experience that provides a safe, caring and inclusive learning environment for all children.

Kindergarten is a two-year bilingual program consisting of 50% English instruction and 50% French instruction. If your child will be 4 years old by December 31st this year, they are eligible to start Kindergarten this September. Register now.

Every child develops at their own pace and the Kindergarten program is designed to reflect that. The two-year Kindergarten program is optional. Students must start school in the year they turn age 6. They can, however, start in the first year or the second year of Kindergarten. You decide what is best for your child.

Children are full of natural curiosity and they explore this curiosity through play. Kindergarten students receive a full day of instruction, with embedded literacy and numeracy through play-based learning. Teachers and early childhood educators create learning moments through play to help children develop important skills:

  • Social-Emotional Development: Building essential social skills like sharing, cooperation and empathy.
  • Cognitive Development: Encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving and creativity.
  • Language and Literacy: Developing early literacy skills through stories, songs and writing activities.
  • Mathematical Thinking: Exploring numbers, shapes and patterns.
  • Science and Technology: Fostering curiosity about the natural world.
  • Physical Development: Promoting healthy habits and physical activity.
  • Arts Education: Encouraging self-expression through music, art, drama and dance.
  • French Language: Learning a second language through immersive play and activities.

Their day also includes nutrition breaks and outdoor learning time each day. Moments for movement and mindfulness are also carefully planned, encouraging the growth of students’ well-being.

Learn more about the Ontario Kindergarten program.

All of our kindergarten classes incorporate 50% French language instruction. This means that children will experience the program equally in French and in English, providing a rich exposure to both of Canada's official languages. 

Kindergarteners are not expected to learn a specific level of French. We focus on oral language and building communication skills in English and French, as well as non-verbal skills. Our program is designed for children of all languages.

Each kindergarten class is led by a team composed of a teacher and an Early Childhood Educator (ECE). The team works together to plan for and provide meaningful learning opportunities for the children and to create a positive, welcoming and safe learning environment. 

Kindergarten teachers watch and learn about each child every day. They use what they learn to help each child grow and reach their own goals. They give feedback to children and parents often. Three times a year, they provide more formal feedback to parents/caregivers:

  • an Initial Observation provided in the fall with an opportunity for a parent/caregiver/teacher conference, and 
  • a Communication of Learning provided at the end of Term 1 (late January/early February) and Term 2 (June).

Our Extended Day Program (EDP) is an integral part of the Full-Day Kindergarten program. This before- and after-school program gives your child the opportunity to participate in activities that will support what happens during the regular school day.

Registration for EDP is a separate process from registering for Kindergarten. To learn more, please visit the Extended Day Program webpage.

The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) is responsible for all home-to-school transportation at the OCDSB. School bus transportation is available to all kindergarten students who live more than 0.8 km (800 metres) from their school. Transportation is not provided to and from the Extended Day Program.

Information is available at your school or from the OSTA website.