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French as a Second Language

At OCDSB all programs in French as a second language curriculum at the secondary levels share a common vision.

FSL Resources for Parents/Caregivers


Students will be able to communicate and interact with growing confidence in French, one of Canada's official languages, while developing the knowledge, skills, and perspectives they need to participate fully as citizens in Canada and in the world.


In all French as a second language programs, students realize the vision of the FSL curriculum as they strive to:

  • use French to communicate and interact effectively in a variety of social settings;
  • learn about Canada, its two official languages, and other cultures;
  • appreciate and acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community;
  • be responsible for their own learning, as they work independently and in groups;
  • use effective language learning strategies;
  • become lifelong language learners for personal growth and for active participation as world citizens.

In order to achieve the goals of the elementary and secondary FSL curriculum, students need to:

  • acquire a strong oral foundation in the French language and focus on communicating in French;
  • understand the value of learning another language;
  • develop the skills needed to strengthen traits of resilience and to secure a sense of self, through opportunities to learn adaptive, management, and coping skills,
  • practise communication skills, build relationships and interact positively with others, and to use critical and creative thinking processes.

The ability to speak both of Canada's official languages helps prepare students for their role as active and engaged citizens in today's bilingual and multicultural Canada. Moreover, the language learning strategies that students develop in the FSL program can contribute to an interest in learning languages throughout their lives and provide them with the skills to do so. Such abilities benefit the individual; but Canadian society - as well as the global community - also stands to gain from having plurilingual citizens.*
(The Ontario Curriculum, French as a Second Language, 2013)

OCDSB Grade 12 French Proficiency Test

What is the OCDSB Grade 12 French Proficiency Test?

The Grade 12 French Proficiency Test is referred to as the Diplôme d’études en langue française (DELF) - an internationally-recognized test of French proficiency for persons whose first language is not French. 

It is based on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), which defines language proficiency along six global levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2. At each level, proficiency is measured across four competencies: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The French Ministry of National Education awards successful candidates a diploma.


The OCDSB offers DELF administrations to eligible students twice a year, once in the fall and once in the spring. Students are eligible during the semester in which they are enrolled in a Grade 12 FSL course and are offered the choice of three test levels: A2 (easiest), B1, and B2 (hardest). 

With each test administration, student interest has continued to grow. In 2018-2019, participation rose to over 1,500 students (87% of all eligible), with 96% successfully obtaining their DELF certificate. Overall student performance has remained consistent with each administration:



Fall 2019*

2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024

(% of eligible)


(1,591 of 1,810 students)


(859 of 1,012 students)


(1,837 of 2,229 students)


(1,820 of 2,016 students)


(1,817 of 2,035 students)

Success Rate
(of participating)


(1,532 of 1,591 participating)


(830 of 859 participating)


(1,759 of 1,837 participating)


(1,735 of 1,820 participating)


(1,749 of 1,817 participating)

*Note: Due to COVID-19 restrictions, administration of the DELF was paused in the Spring 2020 and resumed in Fall 2021

***NEW Important Dates (Spring 2025):

  • February 24th -- Eligible students (i.e., current students either enrolled in Gr.12 French this semester or who earned their Gr.12 FSL credit this past summer via reach-ahead or e-learning) will receive an invitation via their OCDSB email to participate in the Spring 2025 DELF administration.
  • March 17th -- Deadline for eligible students to register for the Spring 2025 DELF administration.
  • March 19th -- Participating students will receive a message via their OCDSB email confirming their written exam date and time, and instructions on how to sign-up for their oral interview online via Pick-A-Time scheduling.
  • March 25th -- Deadline for students to complete their oral interview registration
  • April 7th through 9th -- DELF written exams will take place on Monday (Level B2), Tuesday (Level B1), and Wednesday (Level A2), respectively.
  • April 12th to May 11th -- DELF oral interviews will take place at Confederation Education Centre, according to schedule.

For questions related to DELF registration, please speak with your Grade 12 French teacher, your school’s DELF Site Coordinator, or contact delftesting@ocdsb.ca.

Who can take the DELF?

This Spring, current students who are either (1) enrolled in a Grade 12 FSL class this semester, or (2) have previously earned their Grade 12 FSL credit through reach-ahead or e-learning and have NOT previously participated in the DELF are eligible to take the DELF. This includes students learning in-person at either a semestered or non-semestered secondary site, as well as those at an OCV site. All eligible students will be contacted via their OCDSB email with an invitation to participate.

How do students sign-up to challenge the DELF?

To secure their participation in the Spring 2025 DELF administration, eligible students will be contacted by email through their OCDSB email account and must express their interest in participating via an Online Form (link will be provided via email) as well as register for their oral interview (instructions embedded within the online form) by the deadline provided. An outline of dates to remember are provided above for reference.

Where can students get help selecting a test level?

  • Students are encouraged to seek input from their FSL teacher, but are ultimately responsible for choosing their own DELF test level
  • DELF charts outlining the language expectations at each of the three DELF Levels offered are now available:   A2   |   B1   |   B2
  • France Éducation international provides several resources to help students select the most appropriate test level and prepare for their test. These include individual test criteria, detailed descriptions of test components, access to sample tests, and preparation resources (see links under "Présentation des 4 examens" on their website for more details).

What is required to obtain a DELF certificate?

To obtain a DELF certificate, a student must successfully pass both a written exam and an oral interview at the DELF level of their choice (A2, B1, or B2). 

Written exams (which take approximately 2 to 2.5 hours to complete) are scheduled internationally and must occur at the specific dates and times approved by France Education International. This Spring, written exams will take place in April and will be conducted at the student’s school (for in-person students) and at the Confederation Education Centre (for OCV students, as well as reach-ahead or e-learning students where necessary). Please refer to the DELF Administration Schedule below for written exam dates and further details on their administration

Oral interviews are approximately an hour in length, inclusive of approximately 30 minutes of preparation time. This semester, all interviews will take place at Confederation Education Centre between April 12th and May 11th.. Transportation to and from this location is the responsibility of the student. Participating students will schedule their interview date and time in advance using our Pick-A-Time online scheduling system (instructions will be provided to participating students via their OCDSB email address by February 24th).

DELF Administration Schedule – Spring 2025

DELF written exams are scheduled internationally and must occur simultaneously across the country. This Spring, written exams will be conducted at the student's school (for in-person students) and at the Confederation Education Centre (for OCV students, as well as reach-ahead or e-learning students where necessary) on the following dates:

DELF Test Level

DELF Spring 2025 Administration Dates

Test level B2

Monday, April 7th starting at 12:00 Noon

Test level B1

Tuesday, April 8th starting at 12:00 Noon

Test level A2

Wednesday, April 9th starting at 12:00 Noon

*Note: Rescheduling will not be possible for students who are unavailable.