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Welcome to the monthly wellness message from the Youth Action Committee on Mental Health

Today we would like to talk about gratitude. We hear the words ‘grateful’ and ‘gratitude’ a lot. But gratitude isn't just about saying thanks to someone. It's about noticing and valuing the good stuff in life, even the small moments. When you focus on what you're thankful for, it can help shift your mood and perspective.

There are lots of positives to practicing gratitude. For example, practicing gratitude can increase feelings of happiness and well-being – there’s research to back this up!

Practicing gratitude can also reduce your stress and help you manage daily not-so-fun stressors more effectively, since you’re focusing on the positive aspects of life.

Another great thing about gratitude practice is that it can actually lead to better sleep, and we all know how important that is!

So, how do we ‘practice gratitude’? Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. Gratitude Journal: Every evening, jot down three things you're grateful for. They can be big or small, from acing a test to nice and warm weather.
  2. The Gratitude Jar: Get a jar, and whenever something good happens (big or small), write it on a piece of paper and drop it in. When you need a pick-me-up, pull one out and read it.

  3. Gratitude Pause: Try setting a daily reminder on your phone to pause for a minute and think of something you're grateful for. Over time, it’ll become second nature.

  4. Share the Love: Spread positivity! Tell a friend or family member something you appreciate about them. It's a win-win – you'll feel good, and so will they.

  5. Go Digital: There are loads of apps out there tailored for gratitude practice. They might come with prompts, reminders, or even communities where you can share and read about others' gratitude moments (which is WAY better than doom-scrolling). 

Remember, your gratitude practice is all about YOU. If writing isn't your thing, maybe it's capturing a photo of something you're thankful for, or just taking a moment of reflection. Find what feels right!

If you feel up to it, keep the positivity going! Talk to your friends about gratitude. Share your experiences, and encourage them to find their own moments of appreciation.

Some days it might be harder to think of things you're grateful for, and that's okay. The key is to keep trying every day. Over time, this small daily habit can make a big difference in how you feel and view the world.

So, give gratitude a go! Even a tiny shift towards noticing the positive can have a ripple effect on your mental health and overall outlook!