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Meet Our Trustees

The OCDSB has 12 school trustees who are elected to serve a four year term and 3 student trustees who serve a one year term. Each Trustee represents one of our 12 electoral zones. Each zone has a diverse community with unique needs, priorities and educational requirements.

Trustees meet regularly as the Board of Trustees. At the Board table, trustees represent the issues and concerns of their community and make decisions based on the interests of all students in the district. Our trustees are important advocates for public education and are committed to student achievement and well-being.

Trustees 2022-2026

For more information about each Trustee, the schools they represent and the geographic boundaries of their electoral zone, click on the "More Information +" link that appears beneath their name and zone in the list below. 

View the full Trustee Zone Map (2024-2025).

Board of Trustees

portrait of Lynn Scott

Lynn Scott

Zone 1: West Carleton-March/Stittsville/Rideau-Jock | Chair of the Board

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portrait of Cathryne Milburn

Cathryne Milburn

Zone 12: Orléans West-Innes/Beacon Hill-Cyrville | Vice-Chair

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