Planning Department
John Young Elementary School Study
Update February 26, 2020
Board Decision in Regard to John Young Elementary School – Interim Accommodation Measures Study
Thank you for your interest in the consultative review process for the John Young Elementary School – Interim Accommodation Measures Study. The study is now complete with final decisions having been made by the Board.
At its meeting of February 25, 2020 Board approved the following motions associated with Report No. 20-004 John Young Elementary School – Interim Accommodation Measures Study - Approval:
- THAT future students moving into the Fernbank elementary school (k-6) attendance area, who are in kindergarten (year 1) through grade 6 be directed to Westwind Public School as of September 2020, subject to sibling provisions outlined in Recommendation C to Report 20-004;
- THAT current (2019-2020) year 1 and 2 kindergarten John Young Elementary School students who reside in the new Fernbank elementary school (k-6) attendance area be redirected to Westwind Public School for year 2 kindergarten and grade 1 in September 2020, subject to sibling provisions outlined in Recommendation C to Report 20-004;
- THAT incoming year 1 kindergarten (September 2020 and beyond while the redirection is in effect) and current year 1 and 2 kindergarten (2019-2020) students who reside in the new Fernbank elementary school (k-6) attendance area, but who currently have older sibling(s) in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 (2019-2020) attending John Young Elementary School be provided a one-time option to remain at John Young Elementary School;
- THAT Recommendations A through C to Report 20-004 shall remain in effect until such time as the anticipated new Fernbank elementary school is opened or until other accommodation measures are approved;
- THAT upon the opening of the new Fernbank elementary school all of the students who reside in the Fernbank elementary school boundary, including those who remain at John Young Elementary School and those who have been subject to this redirection in accordance with Recommendations A through C to Report 20-004, move in a block(year 1 kindergarten through grade 5) to the new Fernbank elementary school;
- THAT the only exception to the redirection outlined in Recommendation E to Report 20-004 shall be those students entering grade 6 and their younger siblings who are attending John Young Elementary School, having exercised a one-time option to remain; and
- THAT the student transfer period be extended for a two week period to 3 March 2020 for current John Young Elementary School students or their siblings impacted by interim measures to apply for a transfer to John Young Elementary School or Westwind Public School.
Below is a map illustrating the area to be redirected from John Young Elementary School to Westwind Public School, effective September 2020.
APPROVED – John Young E.S. Interim Attendance Boundary Redirection
Update February 10, 2020! Meeting Dates
Please be advised that staff’s recommendation report in regard to the John Young Elementary School – Interim Accommodation Measures Study will be presented at the Board’s Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, February 18, 2020, 7:45 pm. The meeting will include an opportunity for delegations from the public and Trustee debate regarding the recommendations.
A final decision by the Board regarding the recommendations is scheduled for Tuesday, February 25, 2020, 7:30 pm. Both of these meeting will be held in the Board Room at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board offices at 133 Greenbank Road.
Agendas for Committee of the Whole meetings are typically posted on the Board’s website no later than the Friday prior to the meeting.
The Board welcomes input from community members. If you would like to address the Board or Committee of the Whole at one of the two meetings you may request to do so as a delegation. To appear as a delegation you must register before the start of the meeting. If you register before the agenda is posted you will be allotted up to four minutes, if you register immediately prior to the meeting, you will be allotted two minutes.
For more information regarding appearing as a delegation, please visit the Board’s website. If you have further questions or would like to register as a delegation, please contact Nicole Guthrie, Manager of Board Services, at 613-596-8211 ext. 8643.
Report No. 20-004 John Young Elementary School – Interim Accommodation Measures Study - Approval
Update January 21, 2020! Public Consultation Meeting
A Public Consultation Meeting was held on Monday, January 20, 2020 at Westwind PS.
At this meeting, there was a brief presentation by staff, followed by a question and answer session.
The interim accommodation measure under consideration is:
The temporary redirection of year 1 kindergarten, year 2 kindergarten and grade 1 Fernbank-area students from John Young ES to Westwind PS, effective September 2020.
Staff is also suggesting that a sibling provision be considered, so that affected year 1 kindergarten, year 2 kindergarten and grade 1 students with older siblings already attending John Young ES be allowed to remain with older siblings at John Young ES.
It is also proposed that future new students from the Fernbank area be redirected to Westwind PS.
Feedback is welcome throughout the process and all input will be shared with Trustees in its original form. All comments will be reviewed and help inform staff’s recommendation report to Board. This report will be presented to Committee of the Whole at its meeting on 18 February 2020. Committee of the Whole will receive delegations from the public and will include Trustee debate regarding staff’s recommendations.
A final decision is scheduled to be made by Board at its meeting on 25 February 2020.
Public Consultation Meeting Information Package – 20 January 2020
Update January 10, 2020! Public Consultation Meeting
Please plan to attend this important meeting to be held on Monday, January 20, 2020 at Westwind PS (111 Hartsmere Drive, 7:00 -9:00 pm).
At this meeting, there will be a brief presentation by staff, followed by a question and answer session.
The interim accommodation measure under consideration is:
The temporary redirection of year 1 kindergarten, year 2 kindergarten and grade 1 Fernbank-area students from John Young ES to Westwind PS, effective September 2020.
Staff is also suggesting that a sibling provision be considered, so that affected year 1 kindergarten, year 2 kindergarten and grade 1 students with older siblings already attending John Young ES be allowed to remain with older siblings.
Additional information regarding projected enrolments with siblings at John Young ES and Westwind PS can be viewed below.
John Young ES and Westwind PS projections with siblings
Although this matter needs to be vetted by both the Advisory Committee and broader public prior to Board making its decisions, it does appear that the more workable sibling solution keeps families together at John Young ES.
John Young Elementary School is facing significant accommodation pressures in advance of the building and opening of the new Fernbank Elementary School. As a result, interim accommodation measures to relieve pressure are required to take effect for the next school year commencing September 2020 involving the following schools:
John Young Elementary School and Westwind Public School
As part of the Board-approved consultation process, an Advisory Committee comprised of Principals and School Council representatives from the two schools met in early December to further discuss staff’s proposed plan of:
Temporarily redirecting Fernbank-area Year 1 Kindergarten, Year 2 Kindergarten and
Grade 1 students from John Young Elementary School to Westwind Public School.
Alternate accommodation options were also discussed.
The next step in the Consultation Plan is your opportunity to comment on the proposed accommodation plan that will be presented at a Public Meeting that is scheduled for:
Monday, January 20th, 2020
7:00 – 9:00 p.m.
Westwind Public School
111 Hartsmere Drive
At the meeting there will be a brief presentation by Board staff, followed by a Question & Answer session. Staff will be available to answer questions on an individual basis following the meeting. An information package providing details of the study and the proposal will be available at the meeting.
If you are unable to attend the meeting you may submit your input via email at johnyounges.study@ocdsb.ca or to the Planning Department at 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean ON, K2H 6L3.
Additional Information - Please be advised that on the evening of Tuesday November 26th 2019, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board approved a consultation plan to address enrolment pressures at John Young Elementary School in advance of the opening of the New Fernbank Elementary School.
Please see the report below outlining the timeline and consultative process:
An Advisory Committee comprised of School Principals, School Council representatives, and Community Associations will meet on two upcoming occasions to come to a consensus regarding a proposed interim option to alleviate pressure for the September 2020 school year.
A Public Consultation Meeting is tentatively scheduled for late January 2020 to receive your feedback on the option(s) being proposed. Your feedback is important.
Please stay tuned for more updates.