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The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is the largest school board in Eastern Ontario. Our growing district currently has 148 schools and supports a vibrant and diverse community of 77,000 students.

Parents/caregivers and members of the community can now make donations online to specific schools and to fundraising initiatives such as playground revitalization, technology, or special programs. 

To donate, please fill out the donation form. Select the school you wish to support from the dropdown list. If you are donating to a specific initiative, please note it in the "Comments" section. You can learn more about fundraising initiatives by contacting the school. If you would like to make a general donation, leave this section blank.

Donors will automatically receive a charitable donation receipt via email for online donations of $5.00 or above.

To see how your support is making a difference, please see our latest Annual Report. Thank you for supporting our schools and students!