How do I make a donation?
You can make a donation through payroll deduction, credit card, PayPal or by making a one-time gift. You can make your donation online, or by using a paper form. If you make, or have made a donation online, you no longer need an account to make a donation.
Do you prefer a paper copy? Please download the following:
Note: If you wish to donate via credit card/PayPal, you will need to use the following QR code, or go to the link indicated above.
English QR Code

French QR Code

Printed forms can be sent to Mellissa Applewaithe, Office of the Associate Director, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, 133 Greenbank Road, Ottawa, ON K2H 6L3
Note: Paper forms are limited to donating to United Way and the Education Foundation of Ottawa. If you want to give to another charitable organization, you will need to use the QR code, or choose the online link below.
To make a donation online, please follow these steps:
Step 1 - Visit United Way website
To make your donation online by credit card, PayPal or payroll deductions, visit the applicable link below:
Step 2 - Choose amount and charity organization
On the home page, enter the desired donation amount for your chosen charity organization/s using the ‘Add’ button. To donate to the Education Foundation of Ottawa, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page. Should you wish to donate to other charities of your choice, such as the Cathy Nevins Memorial Fund, enter the name of the fund in the search box provided at the bottom of the page. Both of these funds give back directly to the students in OCDSB schools.
Note: Enter the total amount that you wish to donate to the charity of your choice. If you choose to pay by credit card, the amount entered will be divided by 12 equal payments. If you choose to donate by payroll, the amount entered will be divided by the number of payroll deductions.
Once the amount has been entered, click on Review & Donate (top right of the screen).
Step 2 - Donation review
You are now on the Donation Review page. If you wish to make any changes to the amount, you can do that on this page. Click ‘Next’ once done reviewing.
Step 3 - Personal Information & Payment Options
This page asks for your personal information (OCDSB email address, home address and OCDSB School/Dept.) and your preferred payment option - Payroll Deduction, One-Time Credit Card, Monthly Credit Card, or One PayPal Payment. Selecting Payroll Deduction allows you to choose between 24 and 20 deductions over the course of the year.
This page also gives you the option to ‘Make it a perpetual pledge’ where United Way will automatically apply this amount as your donation every year. This is applicable for Payroll deduction and monthly credit card.
If you choose a one-time credit card or One PayPal Payment, you can choose to receive your tax receipt by email.
If you have selected Payroll Deduction, click the Confirm button at the bottom of the page. The next page will provide you with the confirmation details and the option to print your donation information.
If you have selected any of the other payment options, click the Next button at the bottom of the page.
Step 4 - Billing Information
(For payment options excluding payroll deduction)
This page asks for your billing information and credit card or PayPal information. Enter the details and click Submit at the bottom of the screen. The next page will provide you with the confirmation details and the option to print your donation information