The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is committed to developing meaningful partnerships with families. Education is a shared experience involving home and school, and we believe that open communication strengthens relationships between families, schools and communities. Therefore, it is our practice to address concerns in a sensitive, respectful and private manner.
When it comes to navigating the OCDSB, it’s helpful to understand the overall structure of the system. This page gives an overview of how our school system is structured so you can find the right person to help address your concerns.
The first step is to address the issue with the person closest to it. Most concerns can be resolved directly at the school level by speaking with your Classroom Teacher, Vice-Principal, or Principal. If you're unsure who to contact, simply call or email the school, and they'll guide you to the appropriate person.
If the issue isn't resolved at the school level, the next step would be to contact a Superintendent. If it remains unresolved, then it's appropriate to contact the Director of Education for further assistance.
If you’re unsure where to start with a concern, our simple guide can help. Whether it’s a classroom, school-wide, or board-wide issue, this chart outlines the best first step. If you’re still unsure who to contact, we're here to assist you—just give us a call or send an email.
Understanding Roles and Responsibilities?
School staff are directly involved in the daily operations of your child's school. Your classroom Teacher ensures that your child is learning the curriculum and reports to the Principal. The Principal manages the overall operations of the school and is well-versed in both school and Board procedures and policies.
Superintendents are part of the Board's Executive Council and they are responsible for the operations of the school board. School Principals and Department Managers report to a Superintendent. They are directly involved in the day-to-day operations of the overall school system and responsible for board-wide programs.
The Director of Education is responsible for the overall leadership and strategic direction of all schools and departments. The Director works closely with the Board of Trustees and oversees the Superintendents, ensuring that board-wide goals and procedures are effectively implemented. While not involved in the day-to-day school operations, the Director plays a critical role in shaping the educational experience for all students across the system.
School Board Trustees are elected every four years during the municipal election and are responsible for governance. This means they oversee the school board, including fiscal responsibility, and policy development and implementation. They serve as ambassadors for the Board and advocate for Public education.
Concerns About Client Service (Administrative Complaints)
Step 1: Talk with the employee who provided the service;
Step 2: Talk with the employee’s supervisor/manager/principal;
Step 3: Talk with the employee’s superintendent; and
Step 4: Talk with the Director of Education or their designate.
Concerns About Safety of School, Property, Facilities or Equipment
If you have a concern relating to the safety of school or District property, facilities or equipment, the individual shall contact the appropriate school or department directly.
Concerns/Complaints Related to Student Transportation
Concerns related to transportation of should be directed to the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA).
We recognize that from time to time, situations arise which may result in ccomplaints. For these situations, theschool district has a complaint resolution policy and procedur