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eLearning Summer Program

2025 Summer eLearning Program (Grade 9-12) 

Registration: April 3 at 12:00 pm - June 16, 2025 by 4:00 pm
Program duration: July 3 - July 31, 2025
Class Times:  8:30 am - 3:30 pm (guideline)

The eLearning courses are delivered asynchronously through the VLE and meet the mandatory eLearning graduation requirement. The Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) contains all of the lessons, tools, assignments and evaluations the students will need to complete the course. The teacher will be more of a facilitator than a lecturer and students can expect to be more actively engaged in their own learning. There are specific tasks and/or assessments due each day with expectations of completing one lesson per day (20 lessons in total). Students will read, work independently or as a member of a group, complete assignments and interact with their teacher and classmates mostly via email and a discussion board, with some communication by phone or web conference, from July 3 to July 31, 2025. Although students may have the flexibility to schedule time for this course when they are the most productive, they will have to manage their time effectively and remember to login to the course daily. The Summer eLearning timeframe is short. Students registering for an eLearning course in the summer must dedicate the same amount of time on elearning courses as they would spend on in-person courses.

In each eLearning course, the teacher will schedule one hour each per day as virtual office time. This will provide students with an opportunity to connect directly with their teacher each day via Google Meet.


  • Students must NOT schedule vacations, travel, employment, etc. for the duration of eLearning Summer School as timelines/due dates will not be adjusted to accommodate planned absences.
  • Students must log in daily and should plan to spend a minimum of 6-8 hours per weekday on their eLearning course.
  • Students may need to be available for oral assessments at scheduled times.
  • A student may only enroll in one Summer School course of any kind (i.e., one Virtual course or one eLearning course).
  • Students are expected to be in Canada during the duration of the session.

Course Title

Course Code


Civics and Career Studies - English (Students must take both)


Civics and Career Studies - French (Students must take both)



English: Understanding Contemporary First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Voices – University



English – University


Mathematics - Advanced Functions – University


Please note: Information is subject to change without notice and programs will run subject to sufficient enrollment.

Registration: April 3 at 12:00 pm - June 16, 2025 by 4:00 pm

OCDSB Student Registration: 

  • Students in grades 9 - 12:  Contact your Guidance Counsellor regarding the registration process.      

Adult Students not in a Day School/High School: 

All Other Out-of-board Students (who are attending publicly-funded schools):  

See OeLC Consortium website for registration information

Student fees are required for:

  • International students (must be living in Ontario in order to participate in this program)
  • Students residing outside of Ontario at the time of registration.

Payment information will be provided upon receipt of the registration.

More Information:

For more information please call the Continuing Education Department at 613-239-2620 or email contedcredit@ocdsb.ca.