Discover your world!
The OCDSB’s International Certificate Program is designed to recognize and honour students in grade 9–12 who demonstrate a commitment to being motivated, engaged and active global citizens.
Students may join in any grade and earn the certificate by:
- studying an international language
- taking internationally-focused classes
- developing an understanding of global issues
- participating in internationally-focused projects of their choice
To obtain the OCDSB International Certificate, you will need to meet the following requirements:

Component 1
This component requires you to complete one credit in a language other than English or French (see exceptions listed in Component 2) AND to participate in an intercultural awareness workshop.

Component 2
This component requires you to complete FOUR Grade 11 or 12 level courses with a specified international focus AND to complete at least TWO major summative tasks with a specific internationalized or intercultural focus in any other courses between Grades 9 and 12.

Component 3
This component requires you to commit to an international experience and engagement of at least 100 hours (locally or abroad) between Grades 9 and 12. This experience can occur as a one-time experience or through a series of experiences spread throughout your high school years, as indicated by the several options available.

Completing The International Certificate
This final step provides evidence that you have completed all of the requirements in order to be presented with the OCDSB International Certificate. After meeting with your school’s ICP advisor to ensure that all components have been completed and that the ICP database has been accurately updated, you may start your Final Reflection.
To enroll in the OCDSB International Certificate Program please fill out the IB Enrollment Form and submit it to your school’s ICP Advisor or send it to Mr. Oussoren.
Here are some of the benefits students in the program have gained from their experience:
- Learning or improving another language
- Increasing global awareness
- Immersing yourself in another culture
- Making lifelong friendships
- Becoming more independent and confident
- Exploring opportunities for your future
- Hosting an international student in your family
- Traveling and visiting other countries and cultures
- Understanding differences and similarities between cultures
- Connecting personal experience with coursework
- Developing leadership skills
- Contributing to local and foreign communities
- Participating as a global citizen
- Carleton University
Carleton University offers scholarships up to $1000 if you are an ICP graduate and are enrolling in their Bachelor of Global and International Studies program. - uOttawa
uOttawa offers scholarships up to $1000 if you are an ICP graduate enrolling in their School of International Development and Global Studies.
For more details on either of the two scholarships above, please contact Sean Oussoren. - Huron at Western University
ICP graduates are eligible to apply for $1000 scholarships to study at Huron at Western University. More details are linked here. - The Lynch-Getty Global Student Award
The Lynch-Getty award will be presented to four students each year attending school in the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board – this award is intended for both Canadian residents as well as international fee-paying students within the OCDSB. The students will have demonstrated leadership in their community and involvement in groups, events and activities that foster cross cultural learning and understanding in school and in the community. Participation in international exchange programs, intercultural clubs, international volunteer programs, peer tutoring, student organizations, charity groups, and community associations are some activities that would help to support an application for the award.
Learn more about the Lynch Getty Award
The International Certificate Program (ICP) for High School Students was introduced in Canada in 2009 by the Calgary Board of Education.
The OCDSB introduced its own version in 2013 and have expanded it to all of its high schools in Ottawa. With over 780 students currently enrolled, and an annual graduating cohort of nearly 100, this program has truly taken off and has been the inspiration for other school boards across the province to start their own International Certificate Programs
What do I “get” by completing the OCDSB International Certificate Program?
- Each student who successfully completes the requirements of the program will receive a special certificate presented at a graduation ceremony in their grade 12 year.
- Students who qualify for the “Honours” designation will receive a special seal on the certificate.
- There is an intrinsic value in participating in a unique program which encourages student leadership and global citizenship along with fellow students who may have similar values and aspirations. The student will gain cultural competency and the certificate may provide an opportunity to explore future educational and career opportunities.
Why would I want to complete this program?
- Learning or improving another language
- Increasing global awareness
- Immersing yourself in another culture
- Making lifelong friendships
- Becoming more independent and confident
- Exploring opportunities for your future
- Hosting an international student in your family
- Traveling and visiting other countries and cultures
- Understanding differences and similarities between cultures
- Connecting personal experience with coursework
- Developing leadership skills
- Contributing to local and foreign communities
- Participating as a global citizen
Upon completing the certificate, do I receive any special consideration for university or college acceptance?
- Huron at Western College and Carleton University’s Bachelor of Global and International Studies offer ICP graduates the chance to apply for their $1000 first-year scholarships.
How do I enroll in the OCDSB International Certificate Program?
- Fill out the enrolment form on this website or ask your school’s ICP advisor.
What is the role of the International Certificate Advisor at my school?
- The International Certificate Advisor is a teacher who has volunteered to assist in promoting the program and to help you in planning the pathway you choose to take to meet the requirements for obtaining the certificate.
- In many schools the International Certificate Advisor will hold regular meetings for all students enrolled in the program and also advise you on course selections, along with your Guidance counselor, in order to complete the program.
- The advisor will be well informed about the program to give you advice and monitor your progress.
If I travel overseas with my family during the summer or school year can I receive credit towards the “International Experience and Engagement” requirement?
- In many cases this will count but you are encouraged to get PRIOR approval from the International Certificate Advisor or International Education Coordinator.
- If it does count, you will need to share a reflection about your experience.
If my “mother tongue” is a language other than English or French, does this automatically count towards a student completing the language requirement?
- In most cases this would not be acceptable since you must complete an Ontario Ministry of Education credit to qualify for the language requirement. The intent of this component is (1) to learn another language besides English, French, or your language spoken at home, OR (2) to further develop proficiency in your “mother tongue.”
If my family hosts an international student in Homestay more than once, or if I am an international student who stays in Homestay more than one semester, can I get credit for more than 50 hours?
- A student enrolled in the International Certificate Program can receive a maximum of 50 hours credit for Homestay experience, whether the students’ family is hosting more than once or if the student is an international student who lives in a Homestay for more than one semester.
- OCDSB International Certificate Program Brochure
- ICP Enrollment Form
- International Exchanges and Studying Abroad
- 2023 Information Session Recording
Contact Us: International Programs Coordinator