The theme for Mental Health Week 2023 was, “My Story”, which recognized the unique stories and experiences each of us brings to the world. We all come with multiple layers and many intersecting identities that make us who we are. No matter our personal story, taking care of our mental health is important for everyone, as is ensuring that all people have access to differentiated, identity-affirming mental health care.
Taking care of ourselves and others takes time, focus, and intentionality. It is important to give ourselves space to recognize how we are and what we need. Most importantly, it takes a community commitment to notice, reach out, and care for one another as we continue to heal together.
Each person is unique, and so are each person’s mental health needs. How you recognize this week depends on each individual person: you might like the idea of a “daily challenge” to help you dedicate time each day to your mental health and well-being. Or, you might prefer browsing a few tips about stress management or another area you’d like to focus on.
The OCDSB’s Mental Health Team compiled activities, resources, tip sheets, and more to help you to focus on the approach or topic that fits best with you and your story. We hope these resources provide you with inspiration to focus together on how we can find joy, laughter, and learning together as we highlight the importance of mental health for everyone.
- Practical Tips for All: Learn about mindfulness and practice a grounding exercise with our Mindfulness Tip Sheet, and check out these 5 Steps to Mental Health and Wellbeing.
- Wellness Challenge for Elementary Families: Take time to pause, reflect, and slow down if even for a moment. Try 4 square breathing or circular breathing method as a family or a guided meditation.
- Wellness Challenge for Secondary Students: Turn off your phone for an hour and do something that brings you joy.
- Practical Tips for All: When we tune into our feelings, we are better able to talk about them and to figure out what we need (or don’t need). Check out our Tip Sheet on Naming and Accepting Emotions to learn more and check out these affirmation prompts.
- Wellness Challenge for Elementary Families: Recognizing your moods is a first step to caring for your mental health. Check in together using a fun animal mood scale, talk about your day as a family.
- Wellness Challenge for Secondary Students: Find a quote that inspires you and share it with someone!
- Practical Tips for All: Good sleep is a critical building block for both our mental and physical health. Check out our 5 Tips for Better Sleep tip sheet for ideas to help improve your sleep hygiene.
- Practical Tips for All: Looking for ideas to help manage stress? These 5 Tips to Reduce Stress can help, and these tips that can help you focus on your strengths.
- Wellness Challenge for Elementary Families: We know that taking care of others also helps us to feel good.Do something to help someone else out, check in with a friend, bake for a neighbour, or help someone with a chore or errand.
- Wellness Challenge for Secondary Students: Check in on a friend or do something nice for someone special.And remember, you don’t have to do this alone, you can always reach out for help.
- Practical Tips for All: Did you know simple acts of kindness can have a positive impact on both mind and body? Learn more from our Kindness Matters Tip Sheet. Practicing gratitude can also have positive effects.
- Wellness Challenge for Elementary Families: Tell each person in your family what you appreciate about them or make a nice card for someone in your life you are thankful for.
- Wellness Challenge for Secondary Students: Think about someone you are thankful for in your life and let them know.
Remember, there are many other resources available to help you look after your mental health, support your family, and talk about mental health with your children, including community resources, articles and tips for parents, articles for students, and supports available within OCDSB schools.