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Renting a Facility

How to Rent a Facility

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board is pleased to offer community groups the opportunity to book school facilities through a user-friendly online booking process with eBASE. 

In order to rent a school facility using the online booking system, new users must create an account. Existing users can simply log in. 

Create an Account

Users must:

  • be at least 19 years of age.
  • have a valid email address.
  • read and agree to the OCDSB Rules and Regulations.

To create a new user account, go to eBase click the Get Started link and follow the steps. After activating your account, you'll be able to log in and start booking spaces.

Choose a Facility

  • Browse the Catalogue: The online booking system provides access to OCDSB school facilities, such as gymnasiums, classrooms, cafeterias, meeting rooms, sports fields, ball diamonds and auditoriums.
  • Check availability: Before making your request, check out the online calendar where you can select a school and facility to see what is currently available. The calendar will show the most up to date availability. Note: Due to time delays between the permit request being submitted and approved, the calendar will not always be 100% current. 
  • Permitting Approval: Please note that your permit request is not fully processed until you have received your approved permit.

Submit Your Permit

  • Login in to your user account on eBase.
  • Once logged in, click on the ‘Create New Permit’ button at the top of the screen and complete the on-line request form.
  • Do not forget to click the ‘Submit’ button on the last page of the form.
  • Once you have completed the on-line permit request, Community Use of Schools (CUS) will receive your request and it remains in pending status until the review process is complete. 
  • Once reviewed, you will be notified by the booking assistant if they require further information or to inform you of any payment and/or insurance required. Learn more about OCDSB’s Insurance requirements
  • CUS requires a minimum of 5 business days to process a permit. 

During permit processing, you may notice your permit status change:

  • New/Pending – Permit has been submitted for processing
  • On Hold – We are waiting for additional information or approvals
  • Approved – Permit has been processed and sent to the community client


Estimated costs are calculated based on your permit request and may not reflect all costs. All fees are subject to review prior to approval by a CUS booking assistant. Classroom rates are estimated based on one classroom. Fees will be reviewed and/or revised based on the number of requested classrooms.


Once the booking assistant for the Community Use of Schools has reviewed your permit request and it has been approved, a permit will be issued electronically. 

When you receive your permit please review your dates carefully. Users will need to print a copy of their permit and have this on hand when attending the school.

Find the step by step eBASE Client User Guide for requesting facilities at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board for more information.  If you have technical difficulties with requesting facility space or require help with the permit process with eBASE please contact the Community Use of Schools office at 613-596-8260.   


  • Ottawa-Carleton District School Board space is available from mid-September to May 31 each year, excluding Winter Break, March Break and holiday long weekends.
  • Sports Fields are available from May 15 to October 30 and Ball Diamonds are available from May 1 to October 30.
  • Facilities are available for community use weeknights from 6:00 to 10:15 p.m. Bookings will be in blocks of: 6:00 to 8:00 p.m., 8:15 to 10:15 p.m. or 6:00 to 10:00 p.m. to maximize access.
  • Facilities are available from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on Saturday and Sundays with a two (2) hour minimum.
  • Refer to the Important Dates page for more details.

Please refer to the User Group description. Once your permit request has been submitted a CUS booking assistant will review your request and revise the user group category if necessary – please note that fees will change if the user group category is revised. Returning clients may review past permits to confirm their user category.

Please refer to the user fee schedule on our website. If you have any further questions regarding user fees please call the Community Use of Schools office at 613-596-8260.

You must be a minimum of 19 years of age.

  • See our Rules and Regulations Agreement.
  • Smoking is prohibited on all OCDSB premises and is against the law (Smoke Free Ontario Act). The permit holder is responsible to ensure none of their group’s member’s smoke on school property. 
  • Recreational cannabis possession and/or use is not permitted on any OCDSB property.
  • Consumption of alcohol is permitted through OCDSB's Special Occasion Permit Guidelines.
  • Violation of permit guidelines will result in the cancellation of permits.

In eBASE, click on the ‘Catalogue’ button at the top right corner, and search all OCDSB facilities and spaces available to book. You will find a map with the school location, facility pictures and descriptions of the spaces available.

In eBASE, click on the ‘Calendar’ button in the top right corner. On the calendar page you can search all available OCDSB facilities and space availability. Due to time delays between the permit requests being submitted and approval, the calendar will not always be 100% current.

Yes, secondary school classrooms are available subject to availability in the school. Elementary school classrooms are subject to approval and availability. If you wish to book a classroom; please indicate in the special instructions how many classrooms you will be requesting.

Each tournament request requires a separate permit request. The large attendance numbers may require additional staffing. Please submit your request even if the system has indicated there is a conflict - tournament times may be outside of regular CUS hours and approval will be required. In the purpose please indicate that it is a tournament.

No, your request is ‘pending’ until you receive an approval email with your approved permit and any additional documents. 

If you have submitted your permit request and would like to make a change, please use the ‘discussion’ tab to notify the booking assistant of your requested change.

No, estimated costs are calculated based on your permit request and may not reflect all costs.  All fees are subject to review prior to approval by a CUS booking assistant. Classroom rates are estimated based on one classroom. Fees will be reviewed and/or revised based on the number of requested classrooms. 

All changes are done by the booking assistant – under the ‘discussion’ tab indicate your request and the booking assistant will make the change if possible. All changes from clients are subject to a $10.50 amendment fee.

Please use the ‘discussion’ tab in your permit and the booking assistant will respond to your inquiry.

Log on to your account; the status of your permits is listed on the landing page.

  • Blue (Pending) – indicates the booking is pending with no approved conflict
  • Green (Approved) – indicates the booking is approved
  • Grey (Expired) – indicates the bookings on your permit have passed
  • Red (Conflict) – indicates the dates you requested are conflicting with another approved permit or excluded date or time.
  • Black (Cancelled) – indicates the permit was cancelled
  • Teal (On Hold) – indicates the permit is neither approved nor denied, it is currently “on hold” due to outstanding documents or reasons indicated in the ‘discussion’ tab.

Your permit request has been put ‘on hold’ by the booking assistant – please check the ‘discussion’ tab to see if the booking assistant has any further information for you. This does not mean your permit request is approved.

Click on the permit you would like to review – this section will show all the permit information you submitted.

Please visit the top right corner of your account once logged in and click the ‘Options’ button to view all your account and/or organization information.

Please visit the top right corner of your account once logged in and click the ‘Options’ button to view all your permit balances and payment history.

You can upload your liability insurance information in two places. You can upload the document in your ‘files’ section under ‘options’ on your account. Alternatively, you can upload the insurance document to your ‘files’ section under a specific permit.

If you are looking to book space through an organization listed in the drop down menu, please proceed with your account set up and a request will be sent to the organization administrator for approval. If your request is approved you will receive an email notification and you will be approved to book space through the organization you requested to join. If your request is denied by the administrator you will be denied access to book under the organization.

Please log into your account and visit the ‘Options’ section; you will find all your account information in this location.

Click the ‘forgot your password’ link below the ‘login’ button on the ‘login’ page and a temporary password will be sent to the email address listed on file.

Once you login to the booking software the ‘Help’ button can be found in the top right corner. This should provide you with helpful hints as you move through the booking process.