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Beat Stress and Thrive!

Hey there! Welcome to your monthly mental wellness message from the Youth Action Committee on Mental Health.

It’s hard to believe it is June! As the school year wraps up, we know that many of us are heading into end-of-year exams, summatives and assignments. So, we thought it made sense to talk about ways to tackle stress head-on and make your present and future more enjoyable! 

Here’s a concept we think should be on repeat: Focus on Strengths 

We all have unique strengths that make us special. Take a moment to think about what you're really good at, whether it's art, sports, or being a good friend. When you embrace your strengths, it boosts your self-confidence. Try to find time every day to do something you’re good at and give yourself that regular boost of happiness!

Practice Gratitude:

Imagine if every day was a treasure hunt, and your mission was to find three amazing things in your life. That's gratitude! Every day, take a moment to think of three things you're thankful for. It could be something as simple as a sunny day, a new album release, or a chat with a friend. Gratitude shifts your focus away from stress and wires your brain for happiness. It's like magic for your heart and mind! 

Worry Time:

Huh? This might seem strange, but people do worry - the problem comes when worry takes over our every thought. So here's a secret weapon: set aside a specific time each day and call it "Worry Time" - and limit it to 10 or 15 minutes. During that time, you can let your worries spill out, write or talk it through with someone during that time. When worries pop up, however, put them away until Worry Time. This way they can’t take over your whole day, and it'll keep your stress from spiraling out of control. 


Some things you can, some things you can’t. Stressors pop up all the time. Some are easily managed, some, not so much… And some things you CAN control, like how you react to challenges, and other things you can't control, such as the weather or other people's actions. In between what you can and can’t control are things you can influence, like your friendships or grades. So the best thing to do is to focus your energy on what you can control and influence and stop spending time (and energy) on what you can’t…afterall, we have enough to focus on already. 

Lean on Your Lifelines:

Here's the most important tip of all – you don't have to face stress alone! Reach out to someone you trust. Find a trusted adult, like a parent, teacher, or counselor, and talk about what's stressing you out. They've been through their own share of stress, and they can offer guidance and support. Even talking with your friends can make all the difference! Remember, sharing your feelings makes the weight of stress feel lighter. You're never alone in this journey.

Hopefully these tips can show you that stress doesn't have to overshadow everything! By focusing on your strengths, practicing gratitude, limiting worry time, understanding what you can control or influence, and reaching out to others, you'll be better equipped to handle all the twists and turns that life has to offer. Remember, you've got this!