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Social Media

The OCDSB is constantly seeking out new ways to engage with our community. From face to face meetings and emails to web updates and social media, we interact with parents, staff, students and community members in a variety of ways.

When it comes to social media, the OCDSB is currently using XFacebookInstagram,  YouTube and LinkedIn. These sites are managed by the OCDSB Communications and Public Relations department, on behalf of all OCDSB staff.

Staff update and monitor our social media channels during regular business hours, Monday to Friday. However, if an issue or an event requires immediate response or live coverage (i.e. a bus cancellation) a Communications staff member will respond as much as possible to keep our community aware of the situation.

Note: Any other account or page on social networking sites bearing the District’s name or likeness is not an official account. Many OCDSB schools, classes and staff members also have social media sites. Those sites are managed by those District employees (i.e. School Principal).

Interacting with Us

Follow us for updates on school closures, events, programs, and more, including:

  • up-to-the-minute coverage during school closures, transportation cancellations or other unanticipated events;
  • alerts about new content on our website;
  • information about OCDSB schools, programs, initiatives, events, and meetings;
  • occasional live coverage of events;
  • links to relevant web content from our many partners and stakeholders; and
  • invitations to provide feedback on specific issues on which we are consulting the public.

Our Guidelines

The OCDSB values open, two-way conversation. Social media provides a forum for everyone to respectfully discuss topics related to education and to share and celebrate relevant news stories. While we want to engage in open conversation, we also ask that posts are respectful of the OCDSB community and are consistent with our policies and procedures. Where it is an option, comments from the public will be moderated before posting by OCDSB staff. The OCDSB reserves the right to modify or remove any messages or posting that it deems, in its sole discretion, to be:

  • obscene, hateful, abusive, racist, defamatory or disrespectful;
  • personal attacks, insults or threatening language;
  • content in violation of the copyright, trademark right, or other intellectual property right of any third party;
  • private, personal information published without consent;
  • comments or hyperlinks not related to the discussion or forum;
  • commercial or political promotions or spam;
  • violate OCDSB policies or procedures; and/or
  • otherwise inappropriate.

Sites are regularly monitored by OCDSB staff and users will be blocked if comments are inappropriate. The OCDSB follows/likes accounts of various stakeholders and will often retweet/share information from other users or accounts. Following/liking, retweeting and sharing should not be interpreted as an endorsement of any kind. Please be aware that any content posted by fans/followers of the OCDSB do not reflect the opinions and position of the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board or its employees. The OCDSB is not responsible or liable for external comments and/or content posted on our social media accounts and does not necessarily have to take action about inappropriate comments.


We welcome feedback and ideas from all followers, and endeavour to join the conversation when possible. However, we may not be able to reply individually to all messages received on our various social media accounts. All messages (i.e. @replies, Direct Messages, Facebook comments, etc.) are read, and be assured that any emerging themes or helpful suggestions are passed to the relevant staff at the OCDSB. To protect your own privacy and the privacy of others, please do not include personal information such as your phone number, home address, or email address in the body of your comment.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Communications and Public Relations Department at districtnews@ocdsb.ca or 613-721-1820.