If you are planning to study at college or university, there are many resources available to help you prepare. Check this page for information about post-secondary financial aid and virtual campus tours, and contact your guidance counsellor for more information.
Scholarships & Bursaries
Scholarships, bursaries and awards can help you pay for post-secondary studies. There are many free resources available to help you find scholarship opportunities. Check out the sites below or talk to your guidance counsellor for more information!
Below, we've compiled a few examples of scholarships and bursaries available to high school students. Most of these scholarships are provided by organizations outside of the OCDSB. Eligibility and deadlines are subject to change, so please check their websites for the most up-to-date information. There are many other scholarships available based on program of study, post-secondary institution and other criteria. Talk to your guidance counsellor or use the search tools above.
- Black Foundation of Community Networks Scholarships and Directory
- Children's Aid Foundation Bursaries
- Education Foundation of Ottawa Awards and Bursaries
- The G.J. Cooper Scholarship Award (Ottawa Jewish Community Foundation)
- Ilana and Steven Rubin Educational Endowment Fund
- Indspire - Bursaries, Scholarships and Awards for Indigenous Students
- Jamie Hubley Scholarship for Mental Health
- John Evans Engineering Entrance Award
- Loran Scholars Foundation
- Lynch-Getty Global Student Award
- Nelson - Civic Leadership and Indigenous Student Scholarships
- OCENET Bursaries and Awards
- OFSAA Scholarships
- Ontario Government Financial Aid for Students in Special Circumstances
- Ontario Public Student Trustee Leadership Scholarship
- OPSBA Public Property Assessment Network Scholarship
- RBC Future Launch Scholarship
- Scholarships Available to Students with Learning Disabilities
- Schulich Leaders Scholarship
- TD Community Leadership Scholarship
- TD Scholarship for Indigenous Peoples
- Terry Fox Humanitarian Award
- Storwell's Foster Children Bursary Program
Check back often for contests open to OCDSB students and employees!
Is there a scholarship or contest you would like to see listed here? Email chat@ocdsb.ca!
Ontario Student Assistance Program (OSAP)
OSAP is a financial aid program that can help you pay for college or university. OSAP offers funding through grants (money you don’t have to pay back) or a student loan (money you need to repay once you’re done school).