Supporting Elementary Students with Giftedness: A Tiered Intervention Approach
The tiered approach of intervention is “a systematic, sequential instructional approach that uses specific instructional interventions of increasing intensity to address students’ needs. It can be used to address either the academic or the behavioural needs of students who are having difficulty.” (Special Education in Ontario: Kindergarten to grade 12, 2017)
There is no specific time requirement for each tier of intervention. Which interventions, as well as the length of time that they may be tried, are dependent on the individual strengths and needs of the learner; there is no one-size that fits all.
Classroom based supports (Tier One Interventions) for students with Giftedness in the regular classroom MAY include but are not limited to:
- Identification of strengths and needs
- Classroom observation and tracking
- Parent/caregiver consultation/feedback
- Classroom assessments
- Differentiation of instruction, environment and/or assessment (e.g. ability grouping, visual supports, use of assistive technology)
School based supports (Tier Two Interventions) for students with Giftedness MAY include but are not limited to:
- In-School Team Meeting Referral
- Targeted, precise specific instruction to adhere to need (e.g. Critical and Creative thinking tasks)
- Development of Individual Education Plan (IEP)
- Educational Assessment (e.g. WIAT III)
- Specific differentiated supports in place for areas of strength and need (e.g. tasks based on increased depth and breadth, social skills building activities, leadership opportunities, organizational skill building)
- Continued parent/caregiver consultation
- Consultation with other departments (i.e. Curriculum Services, Business and Learning Technologies, Facilities and Planning)
Other school based supports (Tier Three Interventions) for students with Giftedness MAY include but are not limited to:
- Cognitive Assessment (CCAT7 , WISC-V, or the Stanford-Binet)
- Counseling (social-emotional support as needed)
- Continued development of IEP
- Parent/caregiver consultation/feedback
- Multi-Disciplinary Meeting/ Updated action plan (e.g. type of assessments used; use of technology; SEA application; further opportunities to work with other gifted/highly talented learners; student-centered project based learning opportunities; intensive school-based support strategies; specialized program class referral)
Specialized Program Class Referral Process (internal candidates)
A referral to a specialized program class for Giftedness is determined by a central recommendation committee. Referrals for the Gifted Program are reviewed at the same time as other Specialized Program Classes (SPC). OCDSB specialized program class referrals are coordinated through the multidisciplinary team at your child’s school. Any questions relating to this process should be directed to your child’s current school.
Specialized Program Class Referral Process (external candidates)
Referral forms and information can be provided by the OCDSB Learning Support Consultant with the Elementary gifted portfolio. Please contact the Board office for more information. Referrals for the Gifted Program are reviewed at the same time as other Specialized Program Classes (SPC). Referral documentation must be completed as a joint effort between parent(s)/caregiver(s) and child’s current school.
Please note that preference for recommendation of placement is given to current OCDSB students who meet criteria.
Criteria for Elementary Specialized Program Class: Gifted Program
Existing Elementary Specialized Program Classes:
Regular English Program
- Grades 1-3; up to 20 students per class
- Grades 4-8; up to 25 students per class
Early French Immersion Program
- Grades 5-8; up to 25 students per class
Elementary Cognitive Profile Requirements
Primary (English grades 1-4)
- Assessed on the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT-7) with scores at the 99th percentile on two of the three scales and at least the 90th percentile on the third scale, followed by consultation with a psychologist or psychological associate;
- Identified as having a gifted profile in current psychological report based on individual assessment results from the WPPSI-IV, WISC-V or Stanford-Binet yielding a Full Scale (FSIQ) score or General Ability Index (GAI) score at least at the 99.6th percentile;
Junior/Intermediate (English or French Immersion grades 5-8)
- CCAT-7 with scores at the 98th percentile in two of the three scales and at least 90th percentile on the third
- WISC-V or Stanford-Binet FSIQ and/or GAI score at least at the 98th percentile
Required Documentation (Elementary)
- Psychological report or CCAT-7
- Educational assessment (WIAT-lll preferred) within the last 12 months (reading comprehension and math problem solving composites, writing sample demonstrating the student’s written expression skills);
- Learning Support Services referral form detailing interventions at the Tier 1, 2 and 3 levels, to address the challenges and rationale as to why student needs may be better met in a specialized program setting
Additional Documentation (if available):
- Current report card or preschool report
- Current IEP
- Additional assessment reports (most recent medical, speech- language/communication, Intensive Behaviour Intervention (IBI), occupational/physiotherapy, social work)
- List of community agencies involved with student (e.g., Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre)
- Parent questionnaire
- Anecdotal report (list behavioural, academic and social challenges; include a list of interventions)
Contact Us: Learning Support Services
General Inquiries