OCDSB Supports
OCDSB Indigenous Student Resource eNewsletter
Kwe! Aanii! Boozhoo! Taanshi!
Wachiye! Aingai! She:kon! Hello! Bonjour!
This newsletter, shared by the Indigenous Education Learning Team, provides bi-weekly updates of community events and opportunities for students, parents and guardians.
Original Voices Youth Council
Original Voices Youth Council is a space for Indigenous youth in OCDSB secondary schools Grades 8-12 to connect with other First Nations, Inuit and Métis students, learn/share about Indigenous cultures, and speak their voice to guide positive change in the OCDSB. Students can accumulate community volunteer hours from attending meetings.
A tasty meal will be provided and support with transportation is available.
For more information, please contact: Nim'keehns Wemgiwans, Indigenous Graduation Coach at nimkeehns.wemigwans@ocdsb.ca
Parent Involvement
The Indigenous Education Learning Team extends a warm invite to Indigenous students, parents/guardians (of Indigenous students) in the OCDSB to join the OCDSB Indigenous Education Council (IEC). One of the mandates of the IEC is to actively engage with Indigenous parents and community partners to help provide an equitable and inclusive education and work environment for Indigenous students and staff. If you are interested in joining the Indigenous Education Council, please email Kris Meawasige at kris.meawasige@ocdsb.ca.
Voluntary Self Identification
Parents are invited to complete the Voluntary Self Identification form, optional and confidential, but which allows us to provide more programs for your children
Community Partners
Inuuqatigiit's Bridging the Gap (BTG) Student Support and Presenters
Inuuqatigiit’s Bridging the Gap Student Support Coordinator provides 1-to-1 support for Inuit students and families (grades K-12) to navigate the education system and to increase awareness of Inuit values, culture and history. External referral forms are to be submitted to Inini at educationmanager@inuuqatigiit.ca .
Inuuqatigiit’s Bridging the Gap Presenters are offering free virtual presentations for K-12 for OCDSB schools to increase awareness of Inuit culture and history through authentic learning experiences. Contact Holly Alguire for more information at btgcoordinator@inuuqatigiit.ca.
Community Involvement
The OCDSB works hard to be responsive to community partners - we have and continue to work with many local First Nations, Inuit and Métis community agencies, including:
- A7G - Assembly of Seven Generations
- Algonquins of Pikwakanagan
- Inuuqatigiit
- Kitigan Zibi Anishnabeg
- Makonsag Aboriginal Head Start (See also: Aboriginal Best Start video)
- Minwaashin Lodge
- Nunavut Sivuniksavut
- Odawa Native Friendship Centre
- Tewegan Transition House
- Tungasuvvingat Inuit
- Wabano Centre for Aboriginal Health
We also create as many opportunities as we can to invite local traditional knowledge keepers, elders, spiritual advisors and grandmothers into the schools to teach and work with students and staff.