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The Board has several committees dealing with specific subjects or issues, and each trustee sits on one or more of these committees. There are a mix of Standing, Statutory, Special Purpose and Ad Hoc Committees. Some are required under legislation or through contractual obligation, and others are established by the Board. 

Subject to any relevant legislation or contract, the Board can:

  • determine their composition and the manner of selecting Chairs and members;
  • fix their terms of reference, reporting relationships and expected date of completion of mandate;
  • alter their composition, terms of reference, reporting relationships and expected date of completion of mandate, as it may deem appropriate from time to time; and
  • dissolve committees. 

Regular meetings of the Board and its committees appear on the weekly schedule of meetings.  Should additional meetings be necessary, they are at the call of the Chair.  The meeting schedule is available through the google Board calendar and the eScribe meeting calendar.

Statutory Committees

The mandate of the Board’s four statutory committees is established by the Education Act.  Trustees appointed to these committees are eligible to be remunerated for their attendance at committee meetings in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act and Board Policy P.004.GOV: Board Member Honoraria.

Key Staff Contact: Randy Gerrior

The Audit Committee is comprised of three trustees and two independent members drawn from the community at large. The primary role of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its duties related to governance and oversight. 


Upcoming Meetings:  November 25, February 19

Key Staff Contact: Prince Duah

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is a committee of parents. At the OCDSB, PIC supports, encourages and enhances parent engagement across the District in order to improve student achievement and well-being. PIC serves an integral role within the District by providing parents with the opportunity to voice their concerns, ideas and challenges. 


Upcoming Meetings: November 20, January 15, February 12, May 14

Key Staff Contact: Kate Stoudt

The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) helps the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board protect the rights of students with special learning needs. Under Ontario's Education Act, every student is entitled to programming which best meets their needs. 


Upcoming Meetings:  November 6, December 4, January 8, February 5, March 5, April 2, May 7, June 4

Key Staff Contact: Reg Lavergne

Under the Education Act (Regulation 374/10), Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) is a legal alternative to compulsory attendance at school. It is a programming option that allows students to work, attend school part-time, or attend community programs which provide an alternative learning pathway. The program is for students who are 14 to 17 years of age. SAL students are provided with the opportunity to work on academic credits part-time through a blended learning model with support from Alternative Attendance Program staff.


Upcoming Meetings: Meetings scheduled after SAL application submission.

Key Contact: Jesse Mark

The mandate of the Ad Hoc Committee for Board Self Evaluation Process and Director Performance Evaluation Process is to make recommendations regarding an effective evaluation strategy, schedule, and evaluation instruments; to implement, manage and monitor the ongoing evaluation strategy; to assess the process used; and to make recommendations to enhance the future evaluation processes.


Upcoming Meetings: Committee meets approximately three times per year, as required, during the day.

Ad Hoc Committees

From time to time, the Board creates ad hoc committees to undertake a specific task or area of responsibility.  The membership of an ad hoc committee shall include the Chair of the Board, and one or more trustees, and may include such members of staff and/or members who are neither trustees nor staff, as determined by the Board at the time of establishing the Committee.  An ad hoc committee usually has an expected timeframe for completion of its mandate, and the committee is automatically stood down when the Board determines that it has completed its assigned task in accordance with its terms of reference.

Key Contact: Jesse Mark

To review nominations and make final decisions with respect to award recipients under the Community Member Recognition Awards Program (excluding the Chair’s Award, which shall

continue to be selected by the Chair).


Upcoming Meetings: The Committee will meet following the closing date for nominations to select the award recipients (typically in April each year).

Special Purpose Committees

In addition to the standing and statutory committees, the Board also establishes special purpose committees as required.  These committees are usually established by way of Board resolution or policy.  Some of the current special purpose committees include:

  • I.Appeals Hearing Panels (in accordance with the Education Act and as per Board policy P.022.SCO). Formed on an as needed basis through a call to trustees.;
  • II.Expulsion Hearing Panels (in accordance with the Education Act and as per Board policy P.023.SCO) Formed on an as needed basis through a call to trustees; and
  • III.Advisory Committees to the Board (as per Board policy P.065.GOV)

Key Staff Contact: Jesse Mark

The Policy Review Committee assists the Board in fulfilling its obligations related to the establishment, review, amendment, implementation, cancellation, and evaluation of policies.

Upcoming Meetings:  November 14, December 12, February 13, April 10, May 15, June 12

Key Staff Contact: Randy Gerrior

The Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA) is a separate, incorporated entity formed to benefit the OCDSB, the Ottawa Catholic School Board and its students by providing safe, effective and efficient student transportation services.


Upcoming Meetings: December 4,  January 29, February 26, March 25, April 29, May 27

Key Staff Contact: Randy Gerrior

The Ottawa-Carleton Education Network works with schools and teachers around the world to improve learning opportunities for children and adults. OCENET is a separate, incorporated entity formed to benefit the OCDSB and its students by generating revenue through the sale of OCDSB products, programs and services; and recruiting, accepting and placing fee-paying students in the OCDSB.


Upcoming Meetings: OCENET Board meetings are generally held twice a year in early December and in early April or May.

Key Staff Contact: Jesse Mark

The Advocacy Strategy Committee works to develop an annual advocacy strategy, develops advocacy positions for Board approval and advises and supports the chair on specific advocacy issues and key messaging as needed.

Upcoming Meetings: The committee meets on an as-required basis at the call of the Chair of the committee or the request of the chair of the board.

Key Staff Contact: Randy Gerrior

The mandate of the committee is to establish a strategic direction for the School Active Transportation (SAT) Support Network that reflects the priorities and commitments from each partner in the network. The committee works to establish Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that help determine the success of the SAT Support Network and examines policies to make recommendations that individual representatives may take back to their respective organizations for evaluation and potential amendment. The committee reviews the results of KPI data analysis and recommends changes to ensure continuous improvement of the SAT Support Network. The committee champions the SAT Support Network and other active transportation initiatives at their respective organizations and in the community at large. The committee is also responsible for the review of funding requirements for activities undertaken by the SAT Support Network and recommends and /or secures funding sources.


Upcoming Meetings:  Meetings will occur on a quarterly basis, or less if so determined by the Steering Committee’s terms and conditions. A mix of daytime and evening meetings would be an option in order to accommodate the availability of representatives.

Advisory and Other Committees

Trustees are selected among their peers as non-voting volunteers to participate on the following committees.  

Key Staff Contact: Prince Duah

The Student Senate is the committee comprised of one student voting member from each secondary school. It is recognized as the official secondary school organization to represent secondary students’ views to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. 

The Student Senate meets on a monthly basis, and it is at these meetings that the student trustees can report and obtain feedback from other students regarding issues of interest or concern. The Student Senate is the main source of student opinion; however, there are other organizations which are beneficial in maintaining contact with students across Ontario. 


Upcoming Meetings:  November 14, December 5, February 6, March 6, April 3, May 1.

Key Staff Contact: Mary Jane Farrish,

The Advisory Committee on Equity (ACE)  advises the Board of Trustees in fulfilling its commitment to provide an equitable and inclusive educational and work environment which supports student achievement and well-being. 


Upcoming Meetings: November 28, December 18, January 30, February 27, May 29.

Key Staff Contact: Kristin Riddell

The Indigenous Education Council (IEC) acts as a resource to provide authentic and current knowledge of different First Nations, Métis and Inuit (FNMI) perspectives to support informed decision making. The IEC also actively engages with Indigenous parents and community partners to help provide equitable and inclusive education and work environments for Indigenous students and staff. The IEC advises the Board on any issues affecting FNMI students' learning and well-being and provides strategic advice to the implementation of the Truth and Reconciliation Calls to Action. 


Upcoming Meetings*: November 21, January 16, February 20, March 20, April 17, May 22.

*To attend a meeting of IEC it is customary to submit a request to the Chair at least one week in advance of the meeting date.

Key Staff Contact: Amy Hannah

The Alternative Schools Advisory Committee (ASAC) assists the OCDSB in advancing the Elementary Alternative Program and its tenets. 


Upcoming Meetings: November 25, January 27, February 24, April 7, May 12.

Questions for Consideration:

  • Which committees am I interested in participating in? 
  • Which committees should I attend to further my learning and development?