Ministry Resources
- Tips and Tools for Parents
- Capacity Building Series K-12
- Creating Safe and Accepting Schools: Information for Parents about the Accepting Schools Act (Bill 13)
- Doing Mathematics with Your Child, Kindergarten to Gr. 6 - A Parent Guide
- Reading and Writing with Your Child, Kindergarten to Gr.6 - A Parent Guide
- Math Homework Help
- Parents Matter Fact Sheet (NEW)
- Parent Engagement Policy for Ontario Schools
- Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) Factsheet
- Making a Difference - a practical handbook for Parent Involvement Committee Members
- Parent Reaching Out Grants
- School Council and Parent Involvement Committee Regulations
Additional Resources
- Building Parent Engagement - Parent Tool Kit: Teen Edition and Guidebook
- Building Healthy Relationships (NEW)
- School Administrator's Guide to Parent Engagement
- Inspiring Your Child to learn and Love Math (NEW)
- TVO's Homework Zone: Supporting Children's Learning at Home
- Council of Ontario Directors of Education (CODE) Parent Engagement Series
- We All Belong – A Multimedia Tool Kit for Parents and Schools
- A Circle of Caring – A Multimedia Tool Kit for First Nations, Métis and Inuit Communities, Families, and Schools
- We All Belong - A Sticky Situation