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Freedom of Information Requests

Before making a formal request for records

Many records are available without making a formal request under the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA). Our website has links to many key documents including agendas, minutes, policies, procedures and memos to trustees.  If you can't find what you are looking for on our website, email us at enquiries@ocdsb.ca. 

If you are looking for specific information or access to records, you may contact the OCDSB Freedom of Information Coordinator to determine if a formal request for information should be submitted:  Email: jesse.mark@ocdsb.ca

How to make a request

Step 1: Complete an MFIPPA Request Form clearly detailing the information you are requesting.

Step 2: Send the completed request form to the OCDSB Freedom of Information Coordinator:

Jesse Mark
Freedom of Information Coordinator
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
133 Greenbank Road
Nepean, ON  K2H 6L3

$5.00 application fee must accompany your request for access to information. Please make your cheque payable to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board.

Timeline for requests and possible extensions

Under MFIPPA, the OCDSB has 30 days to respond to requests. On occasion, the Freedom of Information Coordinator may require an extension if the request is for an extensive number of records, or if an outside third party needs to be contacted. The requestor will be notified that an extension is required.

Associated fees for records

There may be fees charged associated with requests for general information under MFIPPA. Requestors are advised in advance if fees will be applied, prior to moving forward with the request. The requestor can choose to move forward with the request, or have it withdrawn. The fees can include $7.50 for every 15 minutes of search time and document preparation, and physical photocopying charges at the rate of .20 cents per page. Postage or shipping charges may also apply. No fees are charged for personal record requests.

More Information

For more information about accessing information under MFIPPA, consult the following policies and procedures.