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New Findlay Creek Elementary School Study

After reviewing and considering the input received, staff brought forward Report No. 24-004 New Findlay Creek Elementary School – Approval of Opening Grade Structure, Program Offering, and Attendance Boundary to Committee of the Whole on January 16th, 2024.

Board, at its meeting of January 30th 2024, approved the following recommendations within Report No. 24-004 on the that evening:


A. THAT the opening grade structure, program offering and attendance boundary for the New Findlay Creek Elementary School be approved according to Appendix E to Report No. 24-004.

B. THAT the revised attendance boundary for Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 for Vimy Ridge Public School be approved according to Appendix F to Report No. 24-004, to be implemented upon the opening of the New Findlay Creek Elementary School.

C. THAT the Grade 7 and 8 attendance boundary for Vimy Ridge Public School be approved as per Appendix G to Report No. 24-004.

D. THAT all current Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 students that have been directed to Robert Bateman Public School as a result of the interim measures outlined in Report No. 22-037 be redirected to their home school upon opening of the New Findlay Creek Elementary School.

E. THAT current Grade 7 students attending Roberta Bondar Public School, as a result of the interim measures outlined in Report No. 22-037, be given a one-time option to remain at Roberta Bondar Public School or attend Vimy Ridge Public School upon the opening of the New Findlay Creek Elementary School.

In summary, the New Findlay Creek Elementary School will open with a Junior Kindergarten to Grade 6 structure, and will offer an English with Core French program, and an Early French Immersion program. 

Below please find an information sheet for the New Findlay Creek Elementary School, as well as the attendance boundary map and the revised attendance boundary maps for Vimy Ridge Public School.

  • The New Findlay Creek Elementary School will open in September 2024 as a Junior Kindergarten (JK) to Grade 6 English with Core French and Early French Immersion program school.
  • School hours will be from 9:20 a.m. to 3:50 p.m.
  • The new school’s address is 820 Miikana Road (K1X 0G5), at the southeast corner of Kelly Farm Drive and Miikana Road.
  • The principal will be May Tannous, who has extensive knowledge and experience as a principal, most recently at Bayshore Public School.
  • The new school facility will have a building capacity of 674 pupil places.
  • The attendance boundary will consist of a portion of the Findlay Creek community (east of Bank Street; south of Leitrim Road, west of Hawthorne Road, north of Blais Road; and all areas east of Albion Road South, north of Rideau Road, west of Bank Street, and along a wooded corridor that runs just south of Wood Acres Grove and Netley Circle).
  • An Extended Day Program (EDP) will be offered at the new school for September 2024.To register your child(ren) for the EDP, please ask for an Extended Day Program registration package to complete when registering your child for the new school.Additional information on the Extended Day Program can be found at www.ocdsb.ca.
  • Bus routes for the New Findlay Creek Elementary School will be prepared by the Ottawa Student Transportation Authority (OSTA). Student bus stop information will be available in the parent web portal online in late - August 2024.Please visit the OSTA website at www.ottawaschoolbus.ca for more information on busing and eligibility.
  • For more information related to the new school and to check for updates please visit the OCDSB website at the following link:

Capital Projects

In September 2023, the OCDSB Board of Trustees approved a timeline and consultation process to determine the program, attendance boundary, and opening grade structure for the New Findlay Creek Elementary School.

The approved consultation process began in September 2023 with the formation of a local working group, which has met to discuss these topics. 

Public meeting – November 29th, 2023

A public consultation meeting will be held to seek feedback on the proposed program, attendance boundary and opening grade structure. Input received at the public consultation meeting will assist staff in preparing recommendations to the Board. 

Some of the specific areas we will be seeking feedback on include: 

  • The opening grade structure, program offering, and attendance boundary for the New Findlay Creek Elementary School;
  • The associated proposed revision to the attendance boundary area for Vimy Ridge Public School;
  • The redirection of current students temporarily directed to Robert Bateman Public School and Roberta Bondar Public School

To find out more and provide feedback, please attend this meeting to be held on 

Wednesday, November 29th, 2023 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM

Location: Vimy Ridge Public School - Gymnasium 

4180 Kelly Farm Drive, Gloucester 

At the meeting there will be a brief overview by Board staff, followed by a question and comment period. Staff will be available for discussion on an individual basis following the meeting. An information package providing details of the review and the proposals will be available at the meeting.

Staff recommendations are anticipated to be brought forward for approval to Committee of the Whole and Board of Trustees in January 2023.

Additional information regarding the review will be posted over the next few months.  Please keep checking this webpage for further updates and information.

Please see Report No. 23-061 New Findlay Creek Elementary School Study – Approval of Timeline and Consultation Plan, which provides more background information regarding the study.  

For more information regarding the construction of the new school and other capital projects in progress, please use the following link:  

Capital Projects