All meeting agendas, reports and meeting minutes are posted on our website. Agendas for Committee of the Whole meetings are posted on the Friday ten days prior to the meeting. To read the agenda, go to the meeting calendar and click on the meeting date. You can follow the links to the agenda items.
Agendas for Board meetings are posted on the Friday prior. To read the agenda, go to the meeting calendar and click on the meeting date, you can follow the links to the agenda items.
The minutes of the Committee of the Whole meetings are usually posted with the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting Agenda.
Agendas, Minutes, Reports From Previous Meetings

If you are looking for an agenda, minutes, or report from a previous meeting, you can access our Document Archives. Our comprehensive Document Archive is easy to use. You can search using particular words or you can search our folders by meeting item (meeting, live streaming, news clippings, policies, etc).