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Seamless and Innovative Technologies

Empowering learning, ensuring equity of appropriate access while fostering inclusion, community building and innovation

Learning, teaching and business experiences using technology must be simple, reliable, and robust. Digital tools, resources and technological infrastructure are foundational to all organizations. In order to stay relevant, engaging and effective, innovative technologies must be chosen, tested, and utilized to equitably meet the needs of all stakeholders.


We will optimize devices, assets, infrastructure, and services to maximize our educational and business practices.


  • Enjoy equitable and immediate access to digital tools, resources, and infrastructure to support their learning.


  • Have equitable and immediate access to digital tools, resources, and infrastructure to support planning, instruction, assessment, and administrative duties.


  • Possess robust infrastructure, digital tools, and technologies support learning and business (e.g. Modern Enterprise Resource Planning System, Standardized Communication Tools).
  • Ensure equitable and inclusive access to technology across the system.
  • Establish a formal project management process to include purchases vetted by Business and Learning Technologies.
  • Provide access to reliable digital resources.

Data will indicate reliable network connectivity (99% of the time) at a minimum of 0.5 Mbps (speed of internet) per user.

  • Data will show students have access to digital tools (99% uptime during regular working hours).
  • Data will show staff have access to business services (99% uptime during regular working hours).
  • Updated inventories will show staff and students have access to technological devices, refreshed as per the Equitable Access to Technology Plan.
  • Data will indicate all OCDSB staff consults with B< prior to the purchase of any new technologies (hardware or software) to ensure equity, accessibility and security for all.
  • Established plans to improve scalability, agility, and cost-effectiveness will show B< migrating 100% of all on-premises workloads to the cloud. This will enable
  • B< to leverage the latest technologies and innovations and to easily scale computing resources without large initial investments.

  • Prepare equitable Access To Technology plan.
  • Establish single sign on. • Standardize project management and procurement process.
  • Create Cloud Migration Roadmap.
  • Integrate Student Safe Arrival module.
  • Update student, staff and parent portals.
  • Integrate new Student Information System with other systems.
  • Institute new Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, including HR, finance, payroll and purchasing system.
  • Develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework.
  • Implement business processes supporting digitization.
  • Standardize teacher communication tools.

Connections to Exit Outcomes:

  • Innovative /Creative
  • Digitally Fluent
  • Academically Diverse
  • Collaborative