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From School to Summer: Wellness Tips from the OCDSB Mental Health Team

As the school year comes to an end, it’s natural to be carrying a variety of emotions. The last day of school is often pictured as a moment filled with excitement and relief, but it can also be met with feelings of worry or sadness. This is especially true if you may be moving to a new school in the fall or if you are graduating and moving onto the next phase in your life. Even positive transitions can bring feelings of stress.

If you are feeling a roller coaster of emotions as the year comes to an end, know that it’s totally normal and you are definitely not alone. Here are a few things you can do that can help:

Take time to reflect

Give yourself time to reflect on the year. What was a challenge this year? What did you learn and how did you get through it? What were some highlights of this year that you will remember? What are you proud of? Did anything surprise you? You can talk through your reflections with others, write them in a journal, or simply give yourself permission to take time to pause and reflect. 

Do things that you enjoy

Prioritize things that you enjoy! Whether it is surrounding yourself with people you care about, drawing, listening to music or getting outside, making time for things that feel good for you is important to support your mental health and well-being.

Make a plan

While not every day has to have a clear plan, when we have too much time on our hands, things can feel a little uncertain. Find routines that will work for you this summer. Do you have activities you would like to engage in? Do you have any personal goals or interests you would like to explore?  As you embark on the summer, remember that sleep, nutrition, and balancing screen time with other activities will help to keep you well and energized.

Reach out

Talking to others is one way we can take care of our mental health. Sometimes it can be tough to know where to even begin. Here are some ideas of how you can get started. You might say “Hey, something is bothering me and I need someone to talk to. Do you have time to talk?” “I am having a tough time, can we chat?” If talking to someone in person is hard, you can also always write someone a note or send them a text to start the conversation.

Throughout the summer months, if you are looking for support for yourself or a friend, there are many wonderful community resources available. Remember, there is no shame in asking for help – we all need some extra support sometimes. 

No matter how you are feeling as you begin your summer months, be kind to yourself. There is no one right way to feel right now and, remember, you’ve got this!