A program pathway consists of the combination of courses that make up a student's educational program and the support provided by the program. It is designed to allow students to explore a particular destination and should reflect the goals that motivate students to complete their secondary education.
A program pathway will help students be successful in their transition to the workplace, apprenticeship, college, or university. Students can select from a variety of types of courses to meet the needs of their individual pathways. Types of courses include: academic, applied, locally developed compulsory courses, open, workplace, college, university/college, and university.
For more information about Program Pathways, contact the Student Services or Guidance Department in your school or Program Services at the OCDSB. When planning their pathway, students might consider the following experiential learning opportunities:
- Cooperative Education
- Ontario Skills Passport
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)
- Dual Credits Program with Algonquin College - Earn a high school credit and college credit concurrently