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Welcome to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Child Care Information page!


ocdsb early learning department logo

The OCDSB is the largest school board in Eastern Ontario servicing 75,000 students within our 115 elementary schools and 26 secondary schools. The OCDSB recognizes the importance of quality child care and we strive to ensure that we are offering responsive, caring, flexible, safe and nurturing child care options to suit your family's child care needs.

The OCDSB prides itself on offering care through a combination of district run programs as well as entering into partnerships with third party providers who meet the legislative requirements set out by the Ministry of Education.

Vision Statement

To be leaders in the field of Early Learning, ensuring that every child, family, caregiver and educator has access to caring, innovative and socially responsible OCDSB early years environments.

Mission Statement

To support a culture of lifelong learning, in collaboration with school and community partners,  through safe, inclusive, diverse, and evolving early years programs that foster the unique potential of every child and their caring adults.

Explore our program offerings below.

OCDSB Early Learning Centers 

The OCDSB currently operates three Early Learning Centers offering childcare to toddler and preschool aged children. These programs offer high quality licensed child care options for our youngest learners in safe, nurturing environments. 
As a licensed child care program in Ontario, we adhere to the Ministry of Education’s policy statement on programming and pedagogy.
This is based upon four foundations to build on as a child continues in our care: Belonging, Well-Being, Engagement and Expression. Throughout this journey, we view all children, parents/caregivers and educator teams as competent, capable, curious and rich in potential. 
OCDSB Early Learning Centers

OCDSB Extended Day Programs

Registered Early Child Educators and Early Learning Assistants lead this program and offer our students a seamless day of learning at one location. Structured and non-structured activities offer children opportunities to learn through play. 

The Extended Day Program operates from 7 a.m. to the start of school and from the end of school until 6 p.m. Parents may register their child for the morning, afternoon, or for both. The program runs on all instructional teaching days and is available for select professional activity days. Activities include quiet reading time, gross motor opportunities in the gym and outside, plus open play within the classroom. 

OCDSB Extended Day Program

Third Party Operators Extended Day Program

The OCDSB has developed and entered into partnerships at a number of elementary schools with third party operators. Our third party partners are regulated by the Ministry of Education and offer children enrolled in these schools a high quality before and after school care option serving children in the primary and/or junior division (i.e. from Kindergarten to Grade 6) where there is sufficient demand and/or viability.

Third Party Operators

EarlyON Child and Family Centres

With the generous support of the Ministry of Education, the OCDSB offers high-quality early years programming in eight elementary schools. EarlyON Child & Family Centres are free for all families and caregivers in Ontario with children from birth to six years old. Join us to participate in fun activities with your children, connect with other people with young children, discuss topics such as play-based learning, child development and school readiness with early years professionals, and access information, resources and referrals from community services.

EarlyON Child and Family Centres

Child Care Programs for LINC/LBS

Funding from provincial and federal sources allows us to provide on-site child care so that families can attend Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) or Literacy and Basic Skills (LBS) classes. Child care is available for children aged six months to six years. The program prepares children for Junior and Senior Kindergarten and provides all the early learning activities in a quality early childhood education setting (i.e., enhancing the physical, cognitive, linguistic, social, and emotional development of the child.)