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The OCDSB School Council Policy (P.014.SCO) and Procedure (PR.509.SCO) are based on the Ministry of Education’s regulations with respect to School Councils. The regulations for School Council elections ensure fairness, transparency, and the opportunity for new parents/caregivers to participate. 

School Council elections must be held annually within the first 30 calendar days of the first day of the school year. 

Any parent/caregiver of a student enrolled in your school can be elected as a parent member of the School Council. Your School Council constitution will describe the membership and officer positions on the council, as well as the roles and responsibilities that accompany these positions.

Employees of the school district can be elected to a School Council provided their employment status is disclosed. However, an employee cannot be the Chair or Co-chair of the Council. They must not work in the school for which they are seeking election to council.

Any parent/caregiver of a student enrolled in your school can vote to elect the parent members of the School Council. The teaching and administrative staff members as well as the student member (intermediate and secondary levels) of the council must be elected by their peers. Each person is entitled to one vote for each vacant position on the council.

The school principal will ensure that the elections of the teaching and administrative staff members are carried out each fall by their peer group. At the intermediate and secondary levels, the school principal will also ensure that the election of the student member is carried out each fall by the student body.

The term of office for all elected School Council members is one year. The elected School Council member holds office from the date that they are elected until the date of the next School Council elections. A School Council member may be re-elected as per the terms established in the School Council constitution.

Nominees seek election to the council as parent members. While they may express interest in a particular role on the council as part of their election platform, the election is to the council itself. The election of officers (chair, co-chair) happens after the council members have been duly elected. This means that people are running to be on the council, not for a specific position. Someone can say, “if elected, I intend to seek the office of chair, or we intend to seek office as co-chairs,” but the members at large elect to the council generally, and those elected elect the officers of the council.

The first School Council meeting must be held within the first 35 calendar days of the first day of the school year, but following the election of the new council. 

To facilitate scheduling, it is acceptable to hold the elections and the first council meeting on the same date. The agenda for the first School Council meeting should include unfinished business of the current council (if any), the election of a new chair and any new business.

Your School Council constitution will define the process for filling interim vacancies on your School Council should a parent member resign. Vacancies during the school year should be filled by election or appointment as described under the elections section.

If every reasonable attempt has been made to hold elections and there are not sufficient members elected, then the school principal working with the school superintendent and interested parents/caregivers may develop an interim structure for a School Council for the current school year only.

A parent of a student enrolled in an OCV school shall be eligible to seek election to a position on the school council at their child’s home school, where an insufficient number of parents of students attending in person have put their names forward for election. OCV families are asked to reach out to their home school Principal if they would like more information about participation in your home school's elections.

Election Process

The following sections provide a step-by-step overview of the timelines, responsibilities, and actions to be taken at various stages in the election process.

Timeline: Within the first 30 calendar days of the first day of the school year
Responsibility: Principal/Chair
OCDSB Policy/Procedure ReferencePR.509.SCO

  • At least two weeks in advance of the election, the school principal will send out a notice of the date, time, and location of the election. The principal should ensure it is posted in a location that is accessible by parents/caregivers and give the notice to the student for delivery to their parent/caregiver.
  • The number of positions open for nomination and the deadline for nominations are clearly stated, including teaching staff, non-teaching staff, and student positions to be filled.
  • After scheduling the date and providing parents notice, principals will make nomination forms available. The nomination forms can be distributed and submitted electronically. An email nomination containing the same information as the form is also acceptable. For copies of the forms, see the Forms and Templates section above.
  • Post/circulate a list of candidates and/or profiles in the first September school newsletter and on school bulletin boards, ideally two weeks prior to the election date with a notation that nominations will be accepted until the time of voting.
  • Post/circulate any proposed changes to the School Council constitution for the coming year in advance of the election meeting.
  • Ensure that notice of proposed constitutional change is given along with notice of election.

Nominations by candidates are made in person or in writing to the School Council chair. 

Timeline: Closing date/election day
Responsibility: Candidates
OCDSB Policy/Procedure ReferencePR.509.SCO 

  • If parent elections are held during a meeting, nominations can be accepted until the time that voting begins.
  • If a parent election is being held during the day, nominations can be closed at a specific date and time determined by the School Council, and the notice of the meeting will contain a date for the closing of nominations.

Timeline: Election Day
Responsibility: Principal/Chair/Candidates
OCDSB Policy/Procedure ReferencePR.509.SCO

  • All elections will be conducted by secret ballot. Ballots are prepared for election.
  • Elections will be held at the school on the date/time previously publicized in the notice of election. Voting by proxy is not allowed.
  • Only the name of the successful candidate and the total number of votes cast is announced.
  • For any positions for which the exact number of candidates required, or fewer, are nominated, the election will be declared to be by acclamation.
  • In case of a tie vote, tied candidates will draw lots to determine who is elected.
  • Membership must consist of at least five parents (elementary schools), and at least six parents (secondary schools). Check your constitution.
  • Hold elections for teaching staff and non-teaching staff representatives.

Timeline: September
Responsibility: Principal/Student’s Council
OCDSB Policy/Procedure Reference

P.014.SCO Attachment 2, section 1.1 

PR.509.SCO section 3.3

  • Elect student representative(s) to the School Council (mandatory at secondary schools, at the discretion of principal in elementary schools).

Timeline: First Meeting of Council on or after election da
Responsibility: Chair/Members of Council
OCDSB Policy/Procedure ReferenceP.014.SCO Section 3.4

  • Members are elected to the School Council by the parent community. Once elected, the members elect from amongst themselves the officers of council – chair (or co-chairs), vice chair, treasurer and secretary.