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Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Inquiry

The Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is committed to helping all students succeed and providing learning experiences, opportunities, and access to keep students engaged and excited about school. 

To achieve this outcome, we endeavour to champion high learning expectations for all students in all programs, promote collaborative environments that foster innovation, creativity, modernize instruction, and advance equity, dignity, and students’ well-being in inclusive, caring classrooms.

SATE Documents


Ensure that every student succeeds academically and develops a positive sense of well-being.

This will be facilitated through OCDSB’s Student Achievement Through Equity (SATE) Inquiry which aims to reduce barriers, overcome emotional and psychological hurdles, and create the right learning conditions.

SATE uses recent studies of outstanding schools and highlights factors known to contribute to successful schools to bring children, families and communities together into the educational environment as participants and partners in the learning process, with the school becoming the ‘Heart of the Community.’

These factors include achievement and standards; leadership and management; teaching and learning; innovative curriculum; targeted intervention and support; inclusion; family engagement; use of data; effective use of students' voice; and the celebration of cultural diversity.

SATE is part of OCDSB’s collective work strategy and collective actions which aims to create lasting and impactful transformative change.

The selection process for SATE Inquiry schools involved careful examination of pertinent provincial, District, school and demographic data. The schools selected are:

  • Arch Street Public School
  • Carleton Heights Public School
  • Carson Grove Public School
  • Charles H. Hulse Public School
  • Bayshore Public School
  • Gloucester High School
  • Hawthorne Public School
  • Pinecrest Public School
  • Queen Elizabeth Public School
  • Queen Mary Public School
  • Ridgemont High School
  • Robert E. Wilson Public School
  • W.E. Gowling Public School
  • York Street Public School
  • Woodroffe High School

  • Use evidence-based research and practices to inform decision making.
  • Collect data, measure and monitor the progress of students.
  • Enhance the capacity of school leaders and educators to address the academic needs of underserved students.
  • Identify the systemic and structural barriers that exist for underserved students.
  • Create a culture of high expectations, anti-oppression, equity, inclusion, and excellence in OCDSB schools.
  • Engage and collaborate with parents/caregivers and community partners to support student achievement and well-being.

  1. All students have a right to quality education in English and French. High expectations for all students and staff are critical for student achievement.
  2. Race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or one’s program (e.g., French Immersion or English with Core French) should not predetermine pathways or affect outcomes for student achievement.
  3. Regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, language, disability, family background or family income, all students should learn in robust and culturally relevant learning environments that respect individual abilities and utilize anti-racist, anti-colonial, and anti-bias instructional practices.
  4. Outstanding schools are adept at reducing barriers, overcoming emotional and psychological hurdles and creating the right conditions for learning.
  5. The work of SATE is grounded in evidence-based research to develop and implement programs, practices, and pedagogies that increase student success, remove barriers to access and opportunities, and initiate sustained reform.
  6. Parents/caregivers are critical partners in their child’s education. Their perspective and voice are valued.
  7. Community partnerships are vital to meeting the needs of all students. The school is the ‘heart of the community.’