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New Fernbank Elementary School Consultation Study

Update - June 25, 2019!  Board Decision in Regard to New Fernbank Elementary School Study

Thank you for your interest in the consultative review process for the New Fernbank Elementary School Study. The review is now complete with final decisions having been made by the Board.

As a result of its meeting of 24 June 2019, Board approved the following motions associated with Report No. 19-070 “New Fernbank Elementary School Study – Staff Recommendations”.

A. THAT the opening grade structure, program offering, and attendance boundary for the New Fernbank Elementary School be approved according to Appendix D of Report No. 19-070, to be implemented upon its opening.

B. THAT the revised attendance boundary for John Young Elementary School be approved according to Appendix D of Report No. 19-070, to be implemented upon the opening of the New Fernbank Elementary School.

C. THAT upon the opening of the New Fernbank Elementary School, a boundary revision be approved that redirects a portion of the Bridlewood Community Elementary School Middle French Immersion program boundary to A. Lorne Cassidy Elementary School, beginning with grade 4 and adding one grade per year thereafter, as shown on Appendix E of Report No. 19-070.

Note that the planned opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area is currently the highest-ranked capital priority of the Board.  Although capital funding for the New Fernbank Elementary School has not yet been received from the Province, the completion of the study at this time is beneficial given the timing of the requirement.


Update - June 7th 2019!  MEETING DATES

Please be advised that staff's recommendation report in regard to the New Fernbank Elementary School Consultation Study will be presented at the Board's Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, June 18th, 2019 at 6:45 p.m. The meeting will include an opportunity for delegations from the public and Trustee debate regarding the recommendations.

A final decision by the Board regarding the recommendations is scheduled for Monday, June 24th, 2019 at 7:30 p.m. Both of these meetings will be held in the Board Room at the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board offices at 133 Greenbank Road. 

Agendas for Committee of the Whole meetings are typically posted on the Board’s website no later than the Friday prior to the meeting.

The Board welcomes input from community members.  If you would like to address the Board or Committee of the Whole at one of the two meetings you may request to do so as a delegation.  To appear as a delegation you must register before the start of the meeting.  If you register before the agenda is posted you will be allotted up to four minutes, if you register immediately prior to the meeting, you will be allotted two minutes.

For more information on appearing as a delegation please click on the following link: https://www.ocdsb.ca/board/delegations.  If you have further questions or would like to register as a delegation, please contact Sue Baker, Senior Board Coordinator at 613-596-8211 extension 8641.

Report 19-070, New Fernbank Elementary School – Approval of Opening Grade Structure, Program, and Attendance Boundary


Public Consultation Meeting was held on Thursday May 23rd to present a proposal regarding the opening grade structure, program and attendance boundary for a future New Fernbank Elementary School.  The presentation also included a proposal to re-align Middle French Immersion boundaries in the Fernbank Development area and a future development area located north of Hazeldean Road.

Although feedback is welcome throughout the process, we would appreciate receiving your comments by June 6th.  All input will be shared with Trustees in its original form.  All comments will be reviewed and will help inform staff’s recommendation report to Board – this report will be presented at the Committee of the Whole meeting on Tuesday, June 18th. Members of the public can make delegations to Committee of the Whole.  Trustee debate regarding staff’s recommendations will also take place at the meeting.

A final decision is scheduled to be made by Board at its meeting on Monday, June 24th, 2019.

Public Consultation Meeting Information Package – 23 May 2019

Public Consultation Meeting Slide Presentation – 23 May 2019

Working Group Meeting #2 Information Package – 21 March 2019

Working Group Meeting #1 - Information Package - 20 February 2019


Over the past few months a locally-formed working group has been meeting to discuss potential accommodation proposals related to the future opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area.

The planned opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area is currently the highest-ranked capital priority of the Board. Although capital funding for a New Fernbank Elementary School has not yet been received from the Province, completion of the study will be beneficial given the timing of the requirement.

A Public Consultation Meeting will be held to seek feedback regarding a proposed plan.  Input received at the meeting will assist staff in developing recommendations to the Board.  Some of the specific issues we will be seeking input on include:

  • A proposed opening grade structure, program offering, and attendance boundary for the New Fernbank Elementary School;
  • An associated proposed revision to the attendance area for John Young Elementary School;
  • A potential revision to Fernbank area Middle French Immersion attendance boundaries.

Please plan to attend this important meeting to be held:
On:  Thursday May 23rd, 2019 (7.00 pm to 9.00 pm)
At:  John Young Elementary School (gymnasium)
5 Morton Drive, Kanata ON K2L 1W7 

At the meeting there will be a brief presentation by Board staff, followed by a Question & Answer period.  Staff will be available following the meeting to answer questions on an individual basis.  An Information Package providing details of the study and the proposed plan will be available at the meeting.

If you are unable to attend the meeting you may submit your input via email at newfernbankes@ocdsb.ca or to the Planning Department at 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean  ON, K2H 6L3.

Additional Information - Please be advised that on the evening of Tuesday, January 29th 2019, the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board approved a timeline and consultative process to set the opening gradestructure, program offering, and attendance boundary for a future New Fernbank Elementary School. 


The opening of a new elementary school in the Fernbank development area is currently the District's highest ranking capital priority.  It should be noted that the study is being conducted in advance of the Board having capital funding from the Ministry of Education to construct a new school building.  

Please see the report below which provides background information regarding the study, and details the timeline and consultative process which will be followed: 

*Report No. 19-003 New Fernbank ES Study - Consultation Plan Approval*

A locally-formed Working Group will meet on several occasions over the winter and spring of 2019 regarding proposed options for the new school.  

The first meeting of the Working Group was held on Wednesday, February 20th.  

A Public Consultation Meeting for the study has been tentatively scheduled for May 2019 in order to receive your feedback on the option(s) being proposed for the future new school. Your feedback is important.

Please stay tuned to this webpage for updates as the process continues.