Attend a High School Information Session

OCDSB secondary schools are hosting High School Information Sessions from November 2024 to January 2025. View the information session schedule to find a session near you!
High school with the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board (OCDSB) is all about you. At the OCDSB, we are committed to your success. Our ten exit outcomes are designed to meet the needs of every student.Your teachers, administrators, and all the staff are here to help you develop the necessary skills and characteristics you need to be successful in high school and in life.
You are an individual
There are so many pathways to the future. We encourage you to achieve your full potential. Find out more about program pathways, be it apprenticeship, college, university, and/or work. We are here to support you in making your choices confidently.
There are many opportunities to choose from
Students, families and schools can use our Student Guide to Course Selections to help you in making decisions about which courses to take. Staff is on hand to help you choose. We are here to help support you in personalizing your learning experiences.
Get Involved
Students can join a club, take part in athletics, or volunteer. You will meet new friends, discover new interests and create life-long memories, through these activities.
Learn About Your Local School
To learn more about programs, courses and extracurricular activities at your local high school, visit the school’s website. You can find links to school websites on our Information Night webpage.
Parents and Caregivers – we want your input
Parents and caregivers who are involved stay informed and connected with their school, community and District. Together we will work to inspire students to achieve their full potential. Talk with your principal to find out more about how you can be part of your child's high school experience.
Register for High School
New to the OCDSB: Visit our registration page to learn about registering for high school at the OCDSB. Registration is an easy 3-step process: find your school, complete the online registration form and collect documents.
OCDSB students: Students who are attending grade 8 at an OCDSB school do not need to register for high school. Your school will provide more information about starting high school.