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New Career Studies Mental Health Literacy Modules Support Student Mental Health and Well-being

Learning about mental health at school can help students build skills and strategies that promote well-being. This year, we are introducing two new Mental Health Literacy Modules from the Ministry of Education within the Grade 10 Careers Studies Course (GLC20). While mental health learning has always been part of the Career Studies curriculum, this new and updated content provides educators with ready-to-use resources and materials to support this essential learning. These modules build upon the grade 7 and 8 Mental Health Literacy Modules introduced last school year.

On the September 27th Professional Development Day, OCDSB educators learned about the new modules and received resources and helpful information to support their delivery. These lessons ensure every student has access to reliable and research-based information about mental health that is relevant for the adolescent years. As your child learns through the Ministry of Education’s Mental Health Literacy Modules, you can learn along with them and find helpful tips on how to maintain positive mental health and well-being for your child.  

The two 60-minute modules offer ways to prepare for and help manage the stresses we all experience, and ensure young people know when, where, and how to seek mental health support, should they need it. For further information, watch this video prepared by School Mental Health Ontario.

You play an important part in this work. As parents/caregivers, talking to your children and youth about mental health is a great way to share information, reduce stigma, and support everyone’s mental health. School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO) has prepared these helpful resources for parents and caregivers, designed to complement the learning your teenager will receive through the Mental Health Literacy Modules. 

Looking for further information or resources? Check out our OCDSB Mental Health in Action page for parents/caregivers or visit the School Mental Health Ontario website which has comprehensive information and resources about mental health, substance use, and school mental health in Ontario.