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a kindergarten teacher reading to a group of students


Your child is about to begin an amazing journey. 

This is where it starts.

If your child is turning 4 in 2025, they're ready to start Kindergarten. Registering is easy:

  1. Find your child’s school
  2. Complete the online registration form
  3. Submit supporting documents

Visit our Kindergarten page to learn more about our full-day, fully bilingual Kindergarten program and attend an information night at a school near you.

More information about registering can be found below.


OCDSB Kindergarten Classroom Tour

Do you have a temporary status in Canada?

a Canadian flag stuck into a map in the location of Ottawa, Ontario
  • Diplomat
  • Refugee
  • Military/NATO Orders
  • Parent on a Study Permit
  • Parent with a Visitor Visa
  • Parent on a Work Permit

If so, please email boundaries@ocdsb.ca or call 613-596-8731 to submit your immigration documents.

Step 1:  Find Your School 

Where your child goes to school depends on where they live. Insert your address into our School Locator to find your school. 

If you want your child to attend a different school, you must apply for a cross-boundary transfer. Learn more about the process. Please note, not all transfers are approved.

Step 2:  COMPLETE Registration Form

Important: Before you proceed, if you have a Refugee, Diplomat, Work Permit or Study Permit temporary status in Canada, call 613-596-8731 to submit your immigration documents.

Once you know your school, you can complete our online registration form using a computer. The form cannot be completed using a phone or tablet.

Step 3: Collect Documents

After you complete the online form, you will be sent an email with further instructions.

Parents/Caregivers will need to submit documents to provide their child’s proof of age (one document) and address (two documents). These can be shared through an online form or brought to the school to confirm.

Child’s Proof of Age (1 of the following documents)

  • Birth certificate
  • Permanent Resident card or Confirmation of Permanent Resident Landing paper
  • Registration of birth or Hospital Letter
  • Passport
  • Baptismal Record

Proof of address (2 documents)

  • Purchase of home sale agreement or rent/lease agreement (required) 

AND (1 of the following)

  • Tax bill
  • Assessment notice
  • Bank statement
  • Current utility bill (hydro, gas, land line, Internet, Cable. Mobile phone not accepted)
  • Home Insurance policy
  • Car Insurance policy (Driver’s license not accepted)

Custody or Access Arrangements

We have experience working with a variety of family or guardianship arrangements.

If applicable, please submit all documents pertaining to custody and access, including a custody agreement and/or court order documentation.

Every year, Ottawa Public Health verifies the immunization record of all children attending school in Ottawa. In Ontario, school children must be immunized against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio, meningococcal, measles, mumps, rubella, and varicella (for children born in 2010 and later) or have a valid exemption.

Parents/guardians are responsible to ensure Ottawa Public Health has the most up-to-date immunization information on file for their child. Every time your child receives a vaccine, remember to update OPH as well.

To learn more about how to update your child’s immunization record, visit Updating and Retrieving Immunizations at Ottawa Public Health.  

Parents and Legal Guardians There are many ways you can update your child’s immunization record