The OCDSB works to ensure equity of opportunity and equity of access to the full range of programs, services, and resources to foster successful educational achievement and social outcomes. To achieve an equitable and inclusive school climate, all schools in the OCDSB will strive to ensure that all members of the school community feel safe, comfortable, and accepted. The OCDSB has an Equity and Inclusive Education policy and procedure, which aligns with Ontario's Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy.
Diversity refers to the presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organization, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, physical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.
Equity refers to a condition or state of fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating people the same without regard for individual differences.
Inclusive Education refers to education that is based on the principles of acceptance and inclusion of all students. Students see themselves reflected in their curriculum, their physical surroundings, and the broader environment in which diversity is honoured and all individuals are respected.
Inclusive, Safe and Caring Programs (ISC) provides resources, training opportunities and support to schools to promote equity and inclusive education. ISC also liaises with members of the community in order to support schools in the implementation of Ontario's Equity Action Plan (2017) and Equity and Inclusive Education Strategy (2009). This includes the Advisory Committee of Equity (ACE) , Spiritual Care in Secondary Schools, and the Rainbow Services Providers Network (RSPN). ISC maintains a relationship with Ottawa's RSPN so that we can work to better understand the needs of diverse students, to liaise to provide resources and contacts to OCDSB schools.
ISC nurtures learning and well-being through equity events, such as the Rainbow Youth Forum, and Rainbow Spring Fling. As well as with equity resources, such as the Gender Identity and Gender Expression Guide, and Stories of Identity - Learning About Self, Others and Change.
Stories of Identity

Through the sharing of stories about diverse lived experiences, we can foster conversations about topics including identity, migration, diversity, inclusion, bullying prevention, and building resilience. Educators can help students build an understanding of self and others, so as to create a sense of unity and to support empathy. We think that these carefully-selected texts will resonate with educators and students. The intent is to have the books explored in a variety of learning spaces. The lesson plans are supported by K-12 curriculum documents and there are many opportunities for creating cross-curricular connections and extensions.