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Student Senate

About the Student Senate

The Student Senate is the official committee representing secondary students’ views to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board. 

It is composed of two Student Senators per secondary school, three non-voting Student Presidents’ Council members, five diversity representatives, and is chaired by the Student Trustees. While Student Trustees serve a one-year term, Student Senators serve a two-years term as Junior Senator or Senior Senator. Student Trustees gather feedback from Student Senators to bring to the board and communicate updates to the student body at-large through the Student Senate.

What the Student Senate Does

The Student Senate meets once a month to discuss key issues. Oftentimes, board staff attend meetings to receive feedback directly from students. Student Senators also have the opportunity to attend OCDSB Committee meetings (Committee of the Whole, Special Education Advisory Committee, Advisory Committee on Equity, Advisory Committee on the Arts, Indigenous Education Advisory Council, Audit Committee) to provide additional student voice at the board level.

Schools must complete their Junior Student Senator elections or appointment process for the upcoming school year by specific deadlines: May 31st of the previous year for Senior Student Senator elections and October 31st of the ongoing year for Junior Student Senator elections. Typically, Student Senators also serve on their school’s student council. Students interested in becoming a Student Senator should contact their student council, student council teacher-supervisor, or school administration. For more information, refer to Policy P.113.GOV: Student Senate.

Members of the Student Senate

School Name

Senior Senator (11-12)

Junior Senator (9-10)

AY Jackson SS

Mustafa Karimi

Tianxu (Willam) Dong

Bell HS

Alyssa Hu

Jasper Chen

Brookfield HS

Sarah Raouf

Asma Raouf

Cairine Wilson SS

Owen Murphy

Salome Kelly-Girald

Canterbury HS

Anna Zhuravel

Caitlin Arden

Colonel By SS

Patrick Vos Smith

Hayel Abu-Hamdan

Earl of March SS

Jeffrey Zhang

Derek Chuah

Glebe CI

Alison Whike


Gloucester High School

Olivia Hawrylak

Rachel Mekis

Hillcrest HS

Rebecca Doherty

Zara Cruz

John McCrae SS

Chaimaa Amachki

Gavin Wu

Lisgar CI

Sami Ghozlani

Alyssa Shen

Longfields Davidson Heights

Rand Habani

Gloria Wen

Merivale HS

Skyler Ma

Anya Guo

Nepean HS

Finn Watson-Link

Miguen Ali

Osgoode Township HS

Ayra Tadjalli

Charley Toivonen

Ridgemont HS

Durkhanai Arbab


Sir Robert Borden HS

Leah Freedhoff

Linh Ngo

Sir Wilfrid Laurier SS

Alejandra Garate

Hawraa Assaf

South Carleton HS

Noor Abdullah

Hannah Hines

West Carleton SS

Jessica Ehoro

Carter Steadman

Woodroffe HS

Enoch Asare

Malika Ameziane

Woodroffe HS

Esther Paul

Jack Woodbridge

Ottawa Carleton Virtual SS



Ottawa Tech SS



Sir Guy Carleton SS

Courtney Berndt

Dade Dullemond

Sir Guy Carleton SS

Wilbur Thiverge


Fredrick Banting Alt

Violet Morgan

Kieran Short

Elizabeth Wyn Wood Alt

Kandy Tran


Norman Johnston Alt



Richard Pfaff Alt

Maya Fabiyi


Student Trustee

Jeffrey Zhang


Student Trustee

Sharanya Sivasathiyanathan


Student Trustee

Ezio De Stefano


Student Trustees 2024-2025

portrait of Jeffrey Zhang

Jeffrey Zhang

2024-2025 Student Trustee

portrait of Sharanya Sivasathiyanathan

Sharanya Sivasathiyanathan

2024-2025 Student Trustee

portrait of Ezio De Stefano

Ezio De Stefano

2024-2025 Indigenous Student Trustee