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Corporate Records Division

The Corporate Records Division provides leadership and guidance to OCDSB schools and departments, ensuring that records created or received by the District are maintained in accordance with its classification scheme and retention schedule. 

Access the Classification Scheme and Retention Schedule here:

Classification – Code - 2023

Classification – Alpha - 2023

Public Records

Public records are available on the District’s website. Policies, procedures, board meeting agendas and minutes, as well as other information can be searched from here:

OCDSB Archival Information

Student Records

The Division provides student records to former students of schools that are permanently closed. Students, of schools that continue to be active and open, will receive records from those schools.

The following form will direct itself based on the information provided. Within the form, the following may be requested:

Duplicate Diplomas
Letters of Attestation
Education Verification
Legal Requests for Student Records
Eligibility for Students to Receive English Education in Quebec

To request a record, please access the online form here:  

Request for Student Records Form

Did you know that the Ministry of Education requires that 5 years after a student has permanently left school, all documents in the student’s file folder (Ontario Student Record) are destroyed, except for the final transcript and the containing folder? The remaining folder and transcript are stored in an offsite storage facility for an additional 50 years.

Corporate Records produces electronic forms to gather student, staff and community information and responses. The forms are automated and once submitted they route to the appropriate recipients.

The library of forms continues to expand as we move from paper to more electronic communication. Forms are available to parents, students and the community, as well as employee specific forms. Click here to view our automated forms:

Automated Forms

Of course, paper forms continue to be made available at schools/departments. We also provide PDF and Word fillable versions. They can be found here:

PDF and Word Forms

Corporate Records is privy to a lot of personal information. The information is protected and only disclosed to those to whom the information belongs, or to those who have a substantiated business need for the information. We adhere to our Privacy Policy.