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Conquering Negative Self-Talk

Welcome to the monthly wellness message from the Youth Action Committee on Mental Health

This month’s topic is on conquering negative self-talk. So, what does that even mean?

Life can be a rollercoaster of emotions, and sometimes we can get pretty critical of ourselves. Those negative thoughts are almost never helpful – in fact, they can make us feel sad, worried, or not-so-good about ourselves. Those thoughts are called ‘negative self-talk’. Negative self-talk can creep into our minds and can be pretty convincing.

Luckily, we can learn to challenge these negative thoughts! Here are some tips on how to do that:

  1. Think the thoughts through: Ask yourself, "Is this thought based on a fact or a feeling?" ”Do I have evidence to support that this thought is true?” “Am I 100% sure ____ will happen? Why or why not?” Sometimes, you may just be doubting yourself unfairly in response to a situation you’re facing. 

  2. Try a coping statement: Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves that we can cope even when things are challenging. You may find yourself thinking “I can’t do this” or “I’m bad at this”. In these times, remind yourself of how you can get through this. Try, “I can do my best, no one is perfect.” 

  3. Take it one step at a time: When you face struggles in different situations, remind yourself that you can break things into smaller, manageable steps. Take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I don’t have to know it all or do it all right now, I just need to figure out one step at a time.” 

  4. Talk to yourself just as you would to a friend: You would never call your friend “ugly” or “stupid” so why is it okay to say to yourself? In situations where you face negative self-talk, try to imagine what you would say to a friend who needs your support, you deserve this same kindness and compassion.

Now, practice, practice, practice:

Transforming your thoughts is a skill that takes practice; the more you practice, the better you'll become at defeating those negative thoughts!

Seek Support When Needed:

If negative self-talk becomes overwhelming, reach out to a trusted adult, a parent, teacher, or a counselor. They are there to lend an understanding ear and offer guidance.

Remember, you're in the driver's seat of your own mind. Negative self-talk might be convincing, but it's not invincible. Challenge those thoughts, be kind to yourself, and treat yourself just like you would your friend. You've got this!