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First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning Center

Aboriginal Learning Space mural

Manido Onji "Place of Spirit": OCDSB's First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning Centre - known as “The Lodge.”

The First Nations, Métis and Inuit Learning Centre is an OCDSB space that was first housed at Rideau High School and has since moved to Gloucester High School.

Designed in consultation with the students at Rideau and Gloucester, youth workers from several community agencies, and several elders from various First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities, our “lodge” serves three main purposes:

  1. To provide a space for First Nations, Métis and Inuit educational programming at the local school level
  2. To provide a space for professional development and First Nations, Métis and Inuit educational programming board-wide, and
  3. To provide a culturally safe and relevant space that can be used by the First Nations, Métis and Inuit community for events through the Community Use of Schools process.

Originally, the Lodge was built at Rideau High School, and given the name “Manido Onji” by Albert Dumont. The name means place of spirit, and it has certainly become a home and a haven for the Indigenous students who use it.

The Aboriginal Learning Centre community opening was held in January 2014.


Smudging is a tradition, common to many First Nations, which involves the burning of one of four sacred medicines gathered from the earth. These four medicines are: sweetgrass, sage, cedar, and tobacco. There are many ways and variations on how a smudge is done. Smudging encourages people to stop, slow down, become mindful and focused. This allows people to be attentive to the event, task or purpose at hand. Historically, Métis and Inuit people did not smudge; however, today some Métis and Inuit people have incorporated smudging into their lives.

The OCDSB recognizes the significance and importance of smudging to some First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students and their families. In our efforts to support this practice in the First Nations, Metis and Inuit Learning Centre, we have created a smudge room that has special ventilation to allow the ceremonial practice of smudging to occur.

The OCDSB recognizes that smudging is always voluntary. No one is ever forced or pressured to smudge. It is completely acceptable for a person to indicate that he/she does not want to smudge and that a person may choose to leave the room during a smudge.

Learning Centres