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Increasing Representation

Explicit and deliberate actions are urgently required to address inequities in our systems, structures, policies and practices that continue to impact student and staff success and well-being and to build trust with students, families, staff, and communities that we have been under-serving. 

The OCDSB Indigenous, Equity and Human Rights Roadmap, 2020-2023, focuses on six key areas. The following outlines how we intend to focus on representation.

Read the full report (PDF)


To increase representation of Indigenous, Black and minoritized individuals including 2SLGBTQ+ and those living with a disability, in: governance and leadership; staff recruitment, selection and promotion; and student voice.

Key Indicators

  • Number of policies and practices implemented to increase the number of Indigenous, Black and minoritized staff hired, retained and promoted
  • Increased number of Indigenous, Black and minoritized staff hired, retained and promoted
  • Number of representative roles, networks and councils established and institutionalized to represent Indigenous, Black and minoritized students, staff and communities


  • Conduct Employment Systems Review
  • Develop and implement an Equitable Recruitment Strategy to increase representation of Indigenous, Black and minoritized staff at all levels of the organization
  • Develop and implement a Leadership Development Plan for Indigenous, Black and minoritized staff
  • Establish staff affiliate networks (Indigenous, Black and minoritized staff)
  • Establish student leadership councils (Indigenous, Black and minoritized students)

Highlight on Indigenous Knowledge

  • Expand Indigenous Education team
  • Establish Indigenous Student Trustee position
  • Establish Elders in Residence Program
  • Establish Indigenous Education Representative in each school site

Highlight on Black Excellence

  • Increase representation of ABC staff in leadership positions
  • Establish and actively support ABC staff affiliate network


By 2020-2021

  • Staff affiliate networks (Indigenous, Black and minoritized, 2SLGBTQ+, and other self-identified equity-seeking groups) are established and actively supported

By 2021-2022

  • Employee Systems Review initiated
  • Leadership Development Plan for Indigenous, Black and minoritized Leaders and other equity seeking groups (2SLGBTQ+) is developed, implemented and actively supported
  • Equitable Recruitment Strategy is established and implemented
  • Elders in Residence Program established
  • Indigenous Education Representative established in all school sites
  • Student leadership councils established: Black, Muslim, 2SLGBTQ+, students with disabilities
  • Expand Indigenous Education team to include an additional itinerant and mental health support worker

By 2022-2023

  • Indigenous Student Trustee Position is established