"The Maple Leaves" Come to Life at Pinecrest: A Visit from Elder Albert Dumont

Elder Albert Dumont, a poet, storyteller and Algonquin traditional teacher, recently visited Pinecrest Public School to speak with students about his book, The Maple Leaves of Kichi Makwa.
Leading up to the visit, classes read the book together and discussed its messages of diversity, inclusion and respect. The school walls were transformed into a gallery showcasing student artwork inspired by the story and thoughtful reflections on its themes.
During his visit, Elder Dumont shared more about the story, which follows the journey of maple leaves in Kichi Makwa (Great Bear). Upon receiving the gift of vibrant fall colour, the leaves become arrogant and begin to bully their fellow creatures. This leads to a harsh lesson from Aki, the spirit of Kichi Makwa, who creates the land’s first autumn and causes the leaves to fall. Ultimately, the story emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and finding a path to reconciliation as the leaves return in the spring.
Students had many questions for Elder Dumont. “How did you choose the names of the characters?” “What is your motivation to be a storyteller?” “If you could give advice to a young adult, what would it be?”
Elder Dumont was deeply moved by the students' engagement. He emphasized the importance of recognizing the inherent worth of every person, regardless of their background, and encouraged students to strive for a more inclusive and respectful society.
To learn more about The Maple Leaves of Kichi Makwa and Elder Albert Dumont, please visit his website.