Mental Health Champions: Leading the Way to Supportive Schools

In September, more than 80 students and staff from across the OCDSB gathered at Confederation Education Centre for a Mental Health Champions event. The day was filled with learning, sharing and inspiration, as school teams explored ways to promote mental health and well-being at school.
The Mental Health Champions initiative highlights the important role of student voice and leadership in promoting mental health. This launch day focused on creating mental health champion teams in schools who will work together to help to create more mentally healthy and identity-affirming environments for everyone by centring the ideas and leadership of young people.
This event brought together Champions from 19 secondary schools for a series of activities, discussions, and presentations on topics like coping with stress, reducing stigma, self-care strategies and how to seek help. Participants joined interactive Mental Health Labs, where they explored creative ways to continue the conversation on mental health in their schools. They engaged in team-building activities and spent time planning as teams to bring this work back to their schools.
Throughout the day, the Champions had the opportunity to learn from the OCDSB’s mental health staff and share their own experiences and perspectives. They talked about what they can do at their schools to promote mental health, and walked away with an action plan on how teams will continue this work together.
As participants left the event, they were filled with energy and enthusiasm about the continued work together. We look forward to seeing the positive impact that these dedicated students and staff will have on their school communities. Learn more about Mental Health supports and resources in the OCDSB.