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Voluntary Self Identification

Why self-identification?

In 2007, the Ontario Ministry of Education outlined their commitment to deliver quality education to First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students through their First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework.

The funding for programs for First Nations, Metis and lnuit students is determined partly by the number of students who have voluntarily self-identified.

Why is the OCDSB asking me to self-identify?

We want to provide First Nations, Métis and Inuit students with educational opportunities that honour their mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.

Benefits include:

  • Better access to cultural programming
  • Better access for students to information about post-secondary pathways
  • Increased school awareness about the diverse needs of FNMI learners
  • Actions that effectively address diverse needs and increase FNMI students' achievement and well-being

In order to know if we are being successful, we need to know who our First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students are in order to provide programming, services, and support that best address their needs.

For more information please read our Frequently Asked Questions page, contact the Principal of your school, or our Indigenous Education team at: 613-596-8211 ext. 8179.

If you wish to self-identify, simply print the card, complete the information, and drop it off at your child's school.