The Ontario government is committed to making schools healthier places for students in order to establish the conditions needed to realize the potential of all students. A healthy school environment enhances student learning and success, and enhances students' social and emotional well-being. Schools have an important role to play in helping students lead healthier lives, including teaching students the skills to make healthy choices and reinforcing those lessons through school practices.
The Ontario government introduced its School Food and Beverage Policy in 2010 that includes nutrition standards for food and beverages sold in schools.
The Ontario government has introduced its School Food and Beverage Policy that includes nutrition standards for food and beverages sold in schools. The policy will apply to food and beverages sold:
- in all venues on school property such as cafeterias, vending machines and tuck shops;
- through all programs, included catered lunch programs; and
- at all events on school property, including bake sales and sport events, for school purposes.
The nutrition standards do not apply to food and beverages that are brought from home.
The policy was announced in January 2010 and school boards have been in full compliance with the policy since September 1, 2012. Training and information sessions were held with elementary and secondary principals and school council chairs in May 2010. Our Supply Chain Department and OPH worked closely with our contracted cafeteria and external food service providers to assist with this transition in our schools.
A copy of the presentation provided at sessions from May 2010 can be found below:
Research shows that children who eat a healthy diet are more prepared to learn and more likely to be successful in school. Our school food and beverage policy (Policy and Program Memorandum 150) (PPM150) includes nutrition standards for food and beverages sold in schools, including:
- in all venues on school property such as cafeterias, vending machines and tuck shops
- through all programs, including catered lunch programs
- at all events on school property, including bake sales and sport events
The nutrition standards do not apply to lunches or snacks that are brought from home.
Nutrition standards
The nutrition standards are based on the principles of healthy eating outlined in Canada’s Food Guide. The standards divide all food and beverages into three categories:
Sell most
These products are the healthiest options and generally have higher levels of essential nutrients and lower amounts of fat, sugar and/or sodium. They must make up at least 80% of all food choices that are available for sale. For example, if a cafeteria offers 10 items for sale, at least eight must fall under the “sell most” category.
Sell less
Compared to “sell most” products, these products may have slightly higher amounts of fat, sugar and/or sodium. They cannot make up more than 20% of all food choices that are available for sale.
Not permitted
These are products that generally contain few or no essential nutrients and/or contain high amounts of fat, sugar and/or sodium (for example, deep-fried and other fried foods, confectionery). Food and beverages in this category may not be sold in schools.
Using the standards
Adopting these standards can be simple and seamless for schools.
For example, a hamburger would be considered a “sell most” choice if it is prepared with extra-lean ground meat, whole grain bun, fresh lettuce and tomato. However, it would be considered “not permitted for sale” if it is prepared with regular ground meat, a white bun and processed cheese.
The nutrition standards do not apply to food and beverages that are:
- brought from home or purchased off school premises and are not for resale in schools
- offered in schools to students at no cost
- available for purchase during field trips off school premises
- sold in schools for non-school purposes, for example, food sold by an outside organization that is using the gymnasium after school hours for a non-school-related event
- sold for fundraising activities that occur off school premises
- sold in staff rooms
Special-event days
Schools are allowed up to 10 special-event days throughout the year, which are exempt from the nutritional standards.
School principals must consult with their school council to determine which events, if any, to exempt. We encourage principals to consult with students when making these decisions.
Although special-event days give greater flexibility with food and beverages, schools are encouraged to offer healthy options that meet the nutrition standards or non-food-related items.
Outside groups that use the school in the evening or on the weekend
Food sold by daycares or other organizations using school space for non-school purposes after school hours do not have to meet these requirements.
Role of parents
Parents have the main responsibility for shaping their children’s attitudes and behaviours about eating. Parents can encourage healthy behaviours at home by being role models and leading an active and healthy lifestyle.
Parents can also work with their school council to promote a healthy school community.
OCDSB Contact
If you are a parent with questions about the Food and Beverage Policy, please contact your school Principal. Other queries about the policy may be directed to David Elliott, Team Manager, Supply Chain Management by email or 613-596-8771.
Ministry of Ontario’s FAQ
School Food and Beverage Policy - Frequently Asked Questions:
The government passed the Healthy Food for Healthy Schools Act in April 2008 to make schools healthier places for students to learn.
We want to create an environment where the healthiest choices are the easiest choices for students to make.
This policy is an important step in enhancing students' health. It reinforces the knowledge, skills, and attitudes regarding healthy eating developed through the Ontario curriculum. The policy will also help reduce students' risks of developing serious, chronic diseases, such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer.
All food and beverages sold in schools for school purposes must meet the nutrition standards set out in the policy. This includes food and beverages sold in all venues (e.g., cafeterias, vending machines, tuck shops), through all programs (e.g., catered lunch programs), and at all events (e.g., bake sales, sports events).
All schools must comply with the School Food and Beverage Policy by September 1, 2011. However, schools are encouraged to consider implementing the policy as soon as possible.
Healthier food does not necessarily cost more.
A study done by the University of Minnesota found that more nutritious lunches don't necessarily cost more to produce. It also found that school lunch sales don't decline because healthier meals are served.
It depends where the fundraising takes place. The nutrition standards apply to food and beverages sold on school premises for school purposes, including fundraising.
The nutrition standards do not apply to food and beverages sold off school premises. This would include fundraising activities that occur in a community centre or door-to-door.
A school principal, in consultation with the school council, may designate up to ten days as special-event days on which food and beverages sold in schools would be exempt from the nutrition standards. Principals are also encouraged to consult with their students in making these decisions.
However, schools are encouraged to consider selling food and beverages that meet the nutrition standards or non-food related items for all celebrations.
The policy was developed by the Ministry of Education, in collaboration with the Ministries of Health Promotion, Children and Youth Services and Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs. The Ministry of Education formed the Nutrition Standards for Schools Committee, a sub-committee of the ministry's Healthy Schools Working Table that included representatives from education, health and the food industry sectors, to advise on the development of the policy and nutrition standards. Consultations were also held with over 40 organizations and groups.
Yes, many jurisdictions have policies and most Canadian provinces have policies or guidelines related to food and beverages in schools. For example, British Columbia has mandatory guidelines that apply to all food and beverages sold to students.