The OCSDB has started rolling out School Cash Online, an easy to use, safe and convenient way for parents and guardians to pay for their children’s school fees, including yearbooks and class trips. School Cash Online aims to significantly reduce cash handling in schools and increases safety as students will not have to carry cash to school. The system gives students and parents/guardians a more convenient way to access information about school activities and make payments.
1. How does School Cash Online benefit parents/guardians and students?
School Cash Online provides parents/guardians and students with 24/7 access to pay for student activities. Parents can sign up for email notifications of upcoming events and items, and be able to maintain an electronic receipt history for items purchased. They will also have the opportunity to pay for multiple items all at once and with ease. This will reduce the amount of cash and cheques coming to the school and will improve student safety.
2. Is the School Cash Online software secure?
Our top priority is keeping your personal information safe. Your account information is only available to you, via your unique login details. School Cash Online adheres to the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (Canada) (PIPEDA), Canada's anti-spam legislation (CASL) and are compliant with the latest industry standards for payment card security (PCI). For more information, please visit:
3. How do I create an account and pay for items?
School Cash Online has been designed to be a user-friendly, efficient, online payment system.
All you need to do is follow these four simple steps to get started:
- Register – Register your own secure personal payment account by selecting “Get Started Today” on the homepage:
- Add a Student – Once you have confirmed your account, add your child or children to the account to view and pay for school expenses. You will be prompted for this information upon login. This feature is also located under the “Items” or “My Account” tabs. Note: the School Cash Online system is linked to our Student Information system (SIS). Students who are not entered into the Trillium/SIS system will not be available on School Cash Online. Students who are registered via the “Quick Add” process in Trillium will also not appear in the system. Please check with your school office if you are unable to find your child in the system.
- Pay School Expenses – Pay for any selected school expenses by adding the items to the cart and checking out.
- Print Receipt (optional) – Print a copy of the transaction receipt for your personal records. This information can also be found under “Payment History”.
If you are unable to create an account, please contact the School Cash Online Parent Help Desk at 1-866-961-1803 or
4. Can each parent have a separate account?
Yes. School Cash Online was designed for parents, guardians and grandparents to have individual accounts. Students can be added to up to five different accounts. Please note that account registration is intended for custodial parents/guardians. The OCDSB reserves the right to revoke account access if the account holder has not obtained authorization from the custodial parents/guardians to access the account.
5. Why does School Cash Online need my email address?
- For your username to log into the system
- To email you receipts for payments or donations made.
- To enable you to receive email notifications of school events and activities
To ensure that you receive email notifications, check off the email notification box during the School Cash Online registration. To verify that you have accepted email notifications, select the “My Account” tab and then the “Manage Email Notifications” option. Click on the option to activate the email notification, and then select the “Change” button to save your information.
6. What methods of payment are available?
There are two methods of payment: eCheque and credit card (Visa or Mastercard).
7. What is eCheque?
An eCheque is an electronic funds transfer that withdraws money directly from your bank account. It is similar to writing a cheque, only it is done electronically. When you send money with an eCheque, the transaction will be held as pending until the electronic funds have cleared your bank. However, the transaction is marked as paid at your school as soon as you check out of the system.
8. Can I keep using myWallet? What happens if I have remaining funds?
School Cash Online is closing the myWallet payment method. The retirement date for myWallet has been extended. Eventually, SchoolCash Online will no longer support adding funds into myWallet. Parents/guardians currently using myWallet accounts may continue to use their remaining balances. Once SchoolCash Online no longer supports myWallet, parents/guardians with remaining balances will be refunded and myWallet will be retired permanently. We encourage parents/guardians to use their remaining myWallet balance or request a refund through School Cash Online. For more information and instructions on how to request a refund, read the myWallet Frequently Asked Questions.
9. How long does it take for money to be deducted from my bank account?
Most payments are deducted within three to five business days. This also depends on your individual banking institution.
10. Which credit card options are available?
The credit card options available are Visa and Mastercard.
11. Will I get a receipt for purchases?
The individual who paid for the item will receive confirmation of the purchase on screen once payment has been successfully processed. They are able to print a copy of the electronic receipt by clicking the “Print” icon. This information is recorded in the “Payment History” tab.
12. How do I know if my payment was successful?
Once you have reached the payment receipt page, your payment was successfully completed. You can access your payment history by selecting the "Payment History" tab.
13. How can I obtain a refund?
Refunds are permitted if the product or service is cancelled, or at the school’s discretion. To receive a refund on your account, please submit a request to the school, detailing the purchase with supporting information (school, parent/guardian first name, parent/guardian last name, email address, phone number, student first name, student last name, date of transaction, item(s) purchased and amount).
14. I am trying to purchase an item, but it is not listed. What should I do?
Each school creates items for purchase and assigns them to students. Once assigned, they will appear in the Student “Items” tab on School Cash Online. Please contact your school office if you do not see an item that you require.
15. Can I receive email notifications letting me know that there are items to be purchased?
Yes, email notifications are sent to the account holder when new items are uploaded to your child’s profile. To verify that you have accepted email notifications, select the “My Account” tab and then the “Manage Email Notifications” option. Click on the option to activate the email notification, and then select the “change” button to save your information.
16. How often will I receive email notifications?
Email notifications are sent when new items have been posted and assigned to your child. These notifications will be sent three times a week and only for new items. If there are no new items, you will not be sent an email notification.
17. Who pays for the School Cash Suite software, maintenance and training?
The OCDSB’s central budget will be used to support the School Cash Suite’s annual licensing fees.
18. Will parents/guardians still be able to pay by cheque or cash?
Yes. Parents/guardians will still be able to pay by cheque or cash. Between cheque and cash, cheque is the preferred option in order to help minimize cash in schools.
19. Are there credit card transaction fees associated with School Cash Online and who will be responsible for these additional costs?
Like any other purchase made using a credit card, there are transaction fees associated with purchases made through School Cash Online. The transaction fee varies based on the value of the good or service being purchased, and the type of card used by the purchaser. In order to recover the cost of credit card transaction fees, the OCDSB is currently suggesting that schools increase the cost of items for sale by 3%. All parents/guardians will be charged the same amount, regardless of the method of payment chosen (including cash or cheque).
20. Help! I’ve forgotten my login/password!
Click on "Sign In" at the top right of the page and then click on “Forgot your password?” link to reset your password. A temporary password will be sent to the email address registered with your account.
21. What if I can’t find my student?
Contact your school to confirm your student’s details (name, birthday, student #) to ensure it matches exactly what was entered in your school’s records.
22. What if I can’t find my school?
Depending on your district, not every school may be starting School Cash Online at the same time. Please confirm with your school if the school is participating in offering this to parents.
23. Do I need to re-register a student that moves to a different school?
If the student is moving to another school within the district, and School Cash Online is available for that school, then the items for the student will automatically be updated to reflect the new school. If the student is moving outside the district or to a school that does not have School Cash Online, the student will be de-activated in School Cash Online.
School Cash Online Parent Help Desk